Public Account Key
AccountKeyPublic is used for accounts having one public key. AccountKeyPublic은 공개 키가 하나뿐인 계정에 사용됩니다.
계정에 AccountKeyPublic 객체가 있는 경우 트랜잭션 유효성 검사 프로세스는 아래와 같이 수행됩니다:
Import the ethers and @kaiachain/ethers-ext packages to add kaia features on ethers.js
Define sender address, sender private key and new private key to be changed
Set up the provider with the specified Kairos testnet URL. A provider in ethers is a read-only abstraction to access the blockchain data.
Also, you can change the provider URL from kairos to quicknode
Create a sender's wallet with the private key and provider
Compute the public key from the new private key
Declare a transaction which has type AccountKeyType.Public and key field with the new computed public key
Send the tx to the blockchain. Function sendTransaction
internally signs with the private key of the account and then transmits it to the blockchain network.
The wait function returns the tx receipt if it is completed in the blockchain.