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Multisig Account Key

AccountKeyWeightedMultiSig is an account key type containing a threshold and WeightedPublicKeys which contains a list consisting of a public key and its weight.

In order for a transaction to be valid for an account associated with AccountKeyWeightedMultiSig, the following conditions should be satisfied: _ The weighted sum of the signed public keys should be larger than the threshold. _ The invalid signature should not be included in the transaction. * The number of signed public keys should be less than the number of weightedPublicKeys.

Import the ethers and @kaiachain/ethers-ext packages to add kaia features on ethers.js

Define sender's address, private key and others weighted multi-sig private keys

Define receiver's address

Set up the provider with the specified Kairos testnet URL. A provider in ethers is a read-only abstraction to access the blockchain data.

Also, you can change the provider URL from kairos to quicknode

Create 3 different wallets with the weighted multi-sig private keys and provider

Create a value transfer transaction with type: TxType.ValueTransfer so that it can be recovered later with klay_recoverFromTransaction

Sign the transaction with first wallet, the populateTransaction method add more params to the transaction object such as gas, nonce...

Sign the transaction with second wallet

Sign the transaction with the third wallet and send the signed transaction to kaia network

Wait for the transaction to be completed and print the receipt

Recover the address from signed transaction using klay_recoverFromMessage


const { ethers } = require("ethers");
const { Wallet, TxType, AccountKeyType, parseKlay } = require("@kaiachain/ethers-ext");
const senderAddr = "0x82c6a8d94993d49cfd0c1d30f0f8caa65782cc7e";
const senderPriv = "0xa32c30608667d43be2d652bede413f12a649dd1be93440878e7f712d51a6768a";
const senderNewPriv1 = "0xa32c30608667d43be2d652bede413f12a649dd1be93440878e7f712d51a6768a";
const senderNewPriv2 = "0x0e4ca6d38096ad99324de0dde108587e5d7c600165ae4cd6c2462c597458c2b8";
const senderNewPriv3 = "0xc9668ccd35fc20587aa37a48838b48ccc13cf14dd74c8999dd6a480212d5f7ac";
const recieverAddr = "0xc40b6909eb7085590e1c26cb3becc25368e249e9";
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("https://public-en-kairos.node.kaia.io");
const wallet1 = new Wallet(senderAddr, senderNewPriv1, provider);
const wallet2 = new Wallet(senderAddr, senderNewPriv2, provider);
const wallet3 = new Wallet(senderAddr, senderNewPriv3, provider);
async function main() {
let tx = { // use Klaytn TxType to send transaction from Klaytn typed account
type: TxType.ValueTransfer,
from: senderAddr,
to: recieverAddr,
value: parseKlay("0.01"),
gasLimit: 100000,
// The example senderAddr actually requires only 2 signature (threshold = 2),
// but we use 3 signatures to show different ways to sign a transaction.
// sign 1: First signer sign from the tx object
const populatedTx = await wallet1.populateTransaction(tx);
const rawTx1 = await wallet1.signTransaction(populatedTx);
console.log("rawTx1", rawTx1);
// sign 2: Middle signer sign from the rawTx
const rawTx2 = await wallet2.signTransaction(rawTx1);
console.log("rawTx2", rawTx2);
// sign 3: Last signer sign and send from the rawTx
const sentTx3 = await wallet3.sendTransaction(rawTx2);
console.log("sentTx3", sentTx3.hash);
const receipt = await sentTx3.wait();
console.log("receipt", receipt);
const addr = await provider.send("klay_recoverFromTransaction", [rawTx2, "latest"]);
console.log("recoveredAddr rpc", addr, addr.toLowerCase() === senderAddr.toLowerCase());


❯ js SignTxWithMultiSigExample.js
rawTx1 0x08f88676850ba43b7400830186a094c40b6909eb7085590e1c26cb3becc25368e249e9872386f26fc100009482c6a8d94993d49cfd0c1d30f0f8caa65782cc7ef847f8458207f6a008b987d8905dae51b856c478e6f7b49f01f5f2432a90c03d332e61d518100087a07bea2578790b7dabe9f2fe920d1f3183f48dc26d4ce752bf27964433317504e8
rawTx2 0x08f8cd76850ba43b7400830186a094c40b6909eb7085590e1c26cb3becc25368e249e9872386f26fc100009482c6a8d94993d49cfd0c1d30f0f8caa65782cc7ef88ef8458207f6a008b987d8905dae51b856c478e6f7b49f01f5f2432a90c03d332e61d518100087a07bea2578790b7dabe9f2fe920d1f3183f48dc26d4ce752bf27964433317504e8f8458207f6a052dcb9cfd9edf75ea60aa7eafce1a984209722c81a6c17f4f26d4b79adcc2f03a03ef04d7793009b90f7af7831f834ad2892678f0f10f8d6e02d6d76b3e4671a1d
sentTx3 0x1b3b4b8a177ead1602c5052d8c1145a2e9ffc53ac4ce208f4730177486726c6a
receipt {
to: '0xC40B6909EB7085590E1c26Cb3beCC25368e249E9',
from: '0x82C6a8D94993d49cfd0c1D30F0F8Caa65782cc7E',
contractAddress: null,
transactionIndex: 2,
gasUsed: BigNumber { _hex: '0xc738', _isBigNumber: true },
logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
blockHash: '0x6f5fca2355230874808c4fe1b8459c6d61cf7ba22b864aeba4c3cf61d7a49b99',
transactionHash: '0x1b3b4b8a177ead1602c5052d8c1145a2e9ffc53ac4ce208f4730177486726c6a',
logs: [],
blockNumber: 152258186,
confirmations: 6,
cumulativeGasUsed: BigNumber { _hex: '0x05f70f', _isBigNumber: true },
effectiveGasPrice: BigNumber { _hex: '0x05d21dba00', _isBigNumber: true },
status: 1,
type: 0,
byzantium: true
recoveredAddr rpc 0x82c6a8d94993d49cfd0c1d30f0f8caa65782cc7e true

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