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Convert signature between r, s, v and compressed string format.

Import the bytes_to_hex_str, hex_str_to_bytes from web3py_ext

For converting {r,s,v} signature to string, define a signature in r,s,v format, use hex_str_to_bytes to convert each components to bytes

Concatenate the components in order of r + s + v and convert the result bytes to string.

For converting string signature to {r,s,v}, define a signature in string format

Convert the string signature to bytes using hex_str_to_bytes

Extract R first 32 indices, S next 32 indices, V last indice from the signature bytes

You can convert each components back to string using bytes_to_hex_str() and hex()


from web3py_ext import bytes_to_hex_str, hex_str_to_bytes
def rsv_to_signature_string(r, s, v):
# Concatenate r, s, and v to form a 65-byte signature
signature = r + s + v
return bytes_to_hex_str(signature)
def signature_string_to_rsv(signature_str):
# Convert the signature string to bytes (remove '0x' if present)
signature = hex_str_to_bytes(signature_str)
# Extract r (first 32 bytes), s (next 32 bytes), and v (last byte)
r = signature[:32]
s = signature[32:64]
v = signature[64]
return bytes_to_hex_str(r), bytes_to_hex_str(s), hex(v)
def main():
# convert {r,s,v} signature to string
r = hex_str_to_bytes('0x678f3a7b600169b800828065cda112aa28291311a5dbb729480444a2b905f6e6')
s = hex_str_to_bytes('0xbaabb5a43a047e75e41a77b88fa7a5bf89e5227f1c8e40bfdfbcceb8164521ed')
v = hex_str_to_bytes("0x1b")
print("From r,s,v to string",rsv_to_signature_string(r,s,v))
# convert string sigature to rsv
print("From string to r,s,v",signature_string_to_rsv(signature_str))


❯ py signature_convert.py
From r,s,v to string 678f3a7b600169b800828065cda112aa28291311a5dbb729480444a2b905f6e6baabb5a43a047e75e41a77b88fa7a5bf89e5227f1c8e40bfdfbcceb8164521ed1b
From string to r,s,v ('66809fb130a6ea4ae4e823baa92573a5f1bfb4e88e64048aecfb18a2b4012b99', '75c2c3e5f7b0a182c767137c488649cd5104a5e747371fd922d618e328e5c508', '0x1b')

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