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Utils for converting public address, public key.

Import the getCompressedPublicKey from @kaiachain/ethers-ext packages

From an Account object you can get the public address with address_from_private_key or get the compressed public key with compressed_key

From x and y coordinates of an uncompressed public key, you can get the public key and the address using compressed_key_from_xy and compressed_key_and_address_from_xy


from eth_account import Account
from web3py_ext.klaytn_account.utils import compressed_key_from_xy, address_from_private_key, compressed_key, \
def main():
print("Public key from private key",address_from_private_key(private_key))
print("Compress key from private key",compressed_key(private_key))
x = "0xdc9dccbd788c00fa98f7f4082f2f714e799bc0c29d63f04d48b54fe6250453cd"
y = "0xaf06ca34ae8714cf3dae06bacdb78c7c2d4054bd38961d40853cd5f15955da79"
print("Compress public key from x,y", compressed_key_from_xy(x, y))
print("Compress public key and address from x,y", compressed_key_and_address_from_xy(x, y))


❯ python address_utils.py
Public key from private key 0xa2a8854b1802d8cd5de631e690817c253d6a9153
Compress key from private key 0x03dc9dccbd788c00fa98f7f4082f2f714e799bc0c29d63f04d48b54fe6250453cd
Compress key from x,y 03dc9dccbd788c00fa98f7f4082f2f714e799bc0c29d63f04d48b54fe6250453cd
Compress key and address from x,y ('0x03dc9dccbd788c00fa98f7f4082f2f714e799bc0c29d63f04d48b54fe6250453cd', '0xA2a8854b1802D8Cd5De631E690817c253d6a9153')

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