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Smart Contract Deploy

TxTypeSmartContractDeploy deploys a smart contract to the given address. The following changes will be made by this transaction type.

Import extend from web3py_ext to extend web3 to kaia web3

Import necessary utils from eth_account, web3py_ext and cytoolz

Create a Web3 instance with the specified kairos testnet URL

Also, you can change the provider URL from kairos to quicknode

Load an account from private key

Load a fee payer account from private key

Create an empty transaction of type TxType.TX_TYPE_FEE_DELEGATED_SMART_CONTRACT_DEPLOY. You can use empty_tx util to get a tx with default fields filled.

Merge the additional fields like from and data into the empty tx by using the merge util.

Set the compiled bytecode from the solidity code you want to deploy to the blockchain network

Use fill_transaction to add more params to transaction object like gas limit...

Sign the value transfer tx by user's private key

Recover the signer's address from the signature in signed tx

Sign the last raw transaction with fee payer's account

Recover the fee payer's address from the signature in signed tx

You can decode the RLP-encoded tx by the Account.decode_transaction util and if you want to make the output format pretty, use the to_pretty util

Send the tx to the blockchain. It will return the tx hash, which will be used to wait the receipt

The wait_for_transaction_receipt method returns the tx receipt if it is completed in the blockchain


from web3py_ext import extend
from web3 import Web3
from eth_account import Account
from web3py_ext.transaction.transaction import (
from web3py_ext.utils.klaytn_utils import to_pretty
from cytoolz import merge
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('https://public-en-kairos.node.kaia.io'))
def web3_fee_delegated_smart_contract_deploy_sign_recover():
user = Account.from_key('0x0e4ca6d38096ad99324de0dde108587e5d7c600165ae4cd6c2462c597458c2b8')
fee_delegator = Account.from_key('0x9435261ed483b6efa3886d6ad9f64c12078a0e28d8d80715c773e16fc000cff4')
smart_contract_deploy_tx = empty_tx(TX_TYPE_FEE_DELEGATED_SMART_CONTRACT_DEPLOY)
smart_contract_deploy_tx = merge(smart_contract_deploy_tx, {
'from' : user.address,
'data' : '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',
smart_contract_deploy_tx = fill_transaction(smart_contract_deploy_tx, w3)
# sign the kaia specific transaction type with web3py
signed_tx = Account.sign_transaction(smart_contract_deploy_tx, user.key)
print("\nraw transaction of signed tx:", signed_tx.rawTransaction.hex())
recovered_tx = Account.recover_transaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
print("\nrecovered sender address", recovered_tx)
feepayer_signed_tx = Account.sign_transaction_as_feepayer(signed_tx.rawTransaction, fee_delegator.address, fee_delegator.key)
print("\nraw transaction of feePayer signed tx:", feepayer_signed_tx.rawTransaction.hex())
feepayer_recovered_tx = Account.recover_transaction_as_feepayer(feepayer_signed_tx.rawTransaction)
print("recovered feepayer address:", feepayer_recovered_tx)
decoded_tx = Account.decode_transaction(feepayer_signed_tx.rawTransaction)
print("\ndecoded transaction:", to_pretty(decoded_tx))
tx_hash = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(feepayer_signed_tx.rawTransaction)
tx_receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
print('tx hash: ', tx_hash, 'receipt: ', tx_receipt)


❯ py fee_delegated_smart_contract_deploy_sign_recover.py

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