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Role-based Account Key

AccountKeyRoleBased represents a role-based key. If an account has an AccountKeyRoleBased object and the transaction type is one except account update, the validation process is done according to each roles like below:

Import necessary utils from eth_utils, web3 and eth_account

Import extend from web3py_ext to extend web3 to kaia web3

Define a web3 connection using Web3.HTTPProvider and RPC endpoint

Also, you can change the provider URL from kairos to quicknode

Define a wallet from private key using Account.from_key_pair which is a role key of role-based account

Define any message to sign

Format the message using encode_defunct to make it compatible with EIP-191 standard.

Sign the transaction with the created account

Print out the signature and its length

Recover sender address with Account.recover_message from signed message


from eth_account import Account
from web3 import Web3
from eth_account.messages import encode_defunct
from eth_utils.curried import to_hex
from web3py_ext import extend
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('https://public-en-kairos.node.kaia.io'))
def web3_role_based_value_transfer_message_recover():
user = Account.from_key_pair(
# role-based account address
# transaction role key of role-based account
message = to_hex(text="I♥KLAYTN")
msghash = encode_defunct(hexstr=message)
signature = Account.sign_message(msghash, user.key)
recovered = w3.klay.recover_from_message(user.address, message, signature.signature.hex(), "latest")
print("\nsender", user.address, "\nrecovered", recovered) # recovered is an original address of the member key


❯ python web3_public_value_transfer_message_recover.py
sender 0x5bD2fb3c21564C023A4A735935a2B7A238C4cCEA
recovered 0xe15cd70a41dfb05e7214004d7d054801b2a2f06b

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