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SDKs and Libraries
This section gives the API references of the libraries for interacting with kaia nodes and some tutorials on how to use them to send a transaction, read data from the blockchain, and communicate with an existing contract on the kaia Network.
🗃️ ethers-ext < v1.0.1
5 항목
🗃️ ethers-ext
3 항목
🗃️ web3js-ext
6 항목
🗃️ web3j-ext
6 항목
🗃️ web3py-ext
6 항목
🗃️ caver-js
3 항목
🗃️ caver-java
2 항목
📄️ viem
Viem is a typescript interface for Ethereum that provides low-level primitives for interacting with Ethereum and other EVM-Compatible blockchain. With kaia supporting features for Ethereum Equivalence, Ethereum tools such as viem can be used on kaia without any significant modifications.