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[Miscellaneous] klay_getTotalSupply

Returns the native token token supply by tracking block rewards and various burning mechanisms. If some components are not available then a partial result is returned.

JSONRPC: klay_getTotalSupply





  • Array [

  • BlockNumberOrTag



    the block number with type integer


    ShowPartial booleannullable

    If specified and equals true, the API will return a best-effort partial information even if block states or TreasuryRebalance memos are missing. Otherwise, the API will fail when some information is unavailable.

  • ]


Returns the native token token supply by tracking block rewards and various burning mechanisms. If some components are not available then a partial result is returned.




    code int64required

    A Number that indicates the error type that occurred. This MUST be an integer.

    -32700Parse errorinvalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.
    -32602Invalid paramsInvalid method parameter(s).
    message string

    A String providing a short description of the error. The message SHOULD be limited to a concise single sentence.

    data string

    A Primitive or Structured value that contains additional information about the error. This may be omitted. The value of this member is defined by the Server (e.g. detailed error information, nested errors etc.).



    number hexrequired

    The last block number the token supply is accumulated to.

    totalMinted hexrequired

    Accumulated block rewards minted up to number plus the genesis total supply.

    burntFee hexrequired

    Accumulated transaction fees burnt.

    zeroBurn hexrequired

    The balance of the address 0x0, which is a canonical burn address. It is null if the state at the requested block is not available.

    deadBurn hexrequired

    The balance of the address 0xdead, which is another canonical burn address. It is null if the state at the requested block is not available.

    kip103Burn hexrequired

    The amounts burnt by KIP-103 TreasuryRebalance, if executed. It is null if KIP-103 is configured and the hardfork block passed but memo field is not set in the contract. It is 0 if KIP-103 is not configured or the hardfork block is larger than the requested block.

    kip160Burn hexrequired

    The amounts burnt by KIP-160 TreasuryRebalanceV2, if executed. It is null if KIP-160 is configured and the hardfork block passed but memo field is not set in the contract. It is 0 if KIP-160 is not configured or the hardfork block is larger than the requested block.

    totalBurnt hexrequired

    Sum of the burns from above reasons. It is null if some components cannot be determined.

    totalSupply hexrequired

    The calculated total supply of the native token at the given block. Difference between totalMinted and totalBurnt. It is null if some components cannot be determined.

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