Smart Contracts
This section covers the development resources for the Smart Contract development.
To write smart contracts, Kaia currently supports Solidity as the primary programming language. Solidity is adopted in Kaia because it is a de facto standard contract programming language for Ethereum and has a large user base and an active community. The Kaia team decided to provide the users with familiar development experience so that the Ethereum DApp developers could easily experiment with or migrate their existing smart contracts to Kaia.
In the future, Kaia also plans to support writing smart contracts using other programming languages. The Kaia team is investigating various favorable programming languages that developers might embrace.
📄️ Solidity - Smart Contract Language
This chapter describes only the high-level concepts, development processes, and examples written in Solidity because Solidity is already well documented on its official websites. For language specifications or implementations, please refer to the References below. The content of this chapter is based on various websites listed in the References.
📄️ IDE and Tools
This page contains the list of development tools that is available to help smart contract development on Kaia.
🗃️ Deploy Smart Contracts
3 items
🗃️ Verify Smart Contracts
2 items
🗃️ Sample Contracts
3 items
📄️ Kaia Compatible Tokens (KCTs)
Kaia Compatible Token (KCT) is a special type of smart contract that implements certain technical specifications. Everyone who wants to issue tokens on top of Kaia must follow the specification.
📄️ Import Ethereum Contracts
In most cases, you can use Ethereum contracts on Kaia without any modification.