本页面使用机器翻译自英语,可能包含错误或不清楚的语言。如需最准确的信息,请参阅英文原文。由于更新频繁,部分内容可能与英文原文有出入。请加入我们在 Crowdin 上的努力,帮助我们改进本页面的翻译。 (Crowdin translation page, Contributing guide)
The content inspection property can be queried to list the exact details of all the transactions currently pending for inclusion in the next block(s), as well as the ones that are being scheduled for future execution only.
The result is an object with two fields pending and queued. Each of these fields is associative arrays, in which each entry maps an origin-address to a batch of scheduled transactions. These batches themselves are maps associating nonces with actual transactions.
JSONRPC: txpool_content
- application/json
params array