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Kaia native coin - KAIA


KAIA is the main internal transferable cryptocurrency of Kaia and is used to pay transaction fees when creating or executing smart contracts or when transferring KAIA.

KAIA is a necessary element--a fuel--for operating the Kaia distributed application platform. It is a form of payment made by the clients of the platform to the consensus nodes (CNs) executing the requested operations. To put it another way, KAIA is an incentive; it ensures that developers write high-quality applications (wasteful code costs more) and that the network remains healthy (CNs are compensated for the resources they contribute).

Units of KAIA

Kaia uses the following unit system for KAIA.

  • kei is the smallest currency unit.
  • A Gkei is 10^9 kei.
  • A KAIA is 10^18 kei.
Unitkei valuekei
kei1 kei1
Gkei10^9 kei1,000,000,000
KAIA10^18 kei1,000,000,000,000,000,000

Historical Pricing

You can download historical price data for the former KLAY and FNSA tokens using the following links:
