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Install Endpoint Nodes

Download ​

You can download the latest version of the EN on Download page.


Linux Archive Distribution ​

The archive file consists of the executable binary and the configuration file structured as follows.

Note: Do NOT alter the file structure or file name. If you change it, the node may not function correctly.

- bin
|- ken
|- kend
- conf
|- kend.conf

File NameFile Description
bin/kenEN executable file
bin/kendEN start/termination script file
conf/kend.confEN configuration file

The installation is the uncompression of the downloaded package where you want to install the package.

$ tar zxf ken-vX.X.X-linux-amd64.tar.gz


$ tar zxf ken-baobab-vX.X.X-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Note: it is recommended that the uncompressed directory ken-linux-amd64/bin path should be added to the environment variable $PATH to run the ken and kend globally. As an example,

$ export PATH=$PATH:~/downloaded/path/ken-linux-amd64/bin

The other sections assume that the path is added to the variable.

RPM Distribution (RHEL/CentOS/Fedora) ​

You can install the downloaded RPM file with the following yum command.

$ yum install kend-vX.X.X.el7.x86_64.rpm


$ yum install kend-baobab-vX.X.X.el7.x86_64.rpm

Install from Kaia Yum Repo ​

Alternatively, you can install kend from the Kaia Yum repo, run:

$ sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/kaia.repo && sudo yum install kend

Installed Location ​

The installed files are located as follows.

File NameLocation

Configuration ​

The EN configuration is to create a data directory and to set up the environment variables on the configuration file kend.conf.

  1. Create the EN data directory.
  2. Configure the EN with kend.conf.

EN Data Directory Creation ​

Considering the fact that the size of Kaia blockchain data keeps increasing, it is recommended to use a big enough storage. You need to create the directory on your desired path.

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/kend/data

Update the Configuration File ​

Configuration File Location:

  • For the archive distribution, the config directory location defaults to $INSTALL_PATH/ken-linux-amd64/conf/.
  • For the package distribution, the config directory defaults to /etc/kend/conf/.

Add Data Directory ​

You should update the the data directory environment variable $DATA_DIR on the configuration file kend.conf.


(Optional) Download Chaindata Snapshot​

Synching from the genesis block is time-consuming. You may use Chaindata Snapshot to skip the Full Sync process.

Startup the EN ​

You can start or stop the Endpoint Node using the following commands.


$ kend start
Starting kend: OK


$ kend stop
Shutting down kend: Killed


$ kend status
kend is running

Testing the Installation ​

It is time to check that Endpoint Node is successfully installed and it is working as expected after installation.

Process Status ​

It is possible to check the status of EN's process using the status commands systemctl and kend.

systemctl ​

systemctl is installed along with the RPM, and the status of EN can be checked as follows.

$ systemctl status kend.service
● kend.service - (null)
Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/kend; bad; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-01-09 11:42:39 UTC; 1 months 4 days ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 29636 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/kend start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 29641 (ken)
CGroup: /system.slice/kend.service
└─29641 /usr/local/bin/ken --networkid 1000 --datadir /kend_home --port 32323 --srvtype fasthttp --metrics --prometheus --verbosity 3
Jan 09 11:42:39 ip-10-11-2-101.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal systemd[1]: Starting (null)...
Jan 09 11:42:39 ip-10-11-2-101.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal kend[29636]: Starting kend: [ OK ]
Jan 09 11:42:39 ip-10-11-2-101.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal systemd[1]: Started (null).

You can check the current status such as Active: active (running) in the example above.

kend ​

kend is installed along with the package, and the status of EN can be checked as follows.

$ kend status
kend is running

Logs ​

The log is stored in kend.out file located in the path defined in the LOG_DIR field of the kend.conf file. When the node works properly, you can see that each block is imported per second as follows.


$ tail kend.out
INFO[02/13,07:02:24 Z] [35] Commit new mining work number=11572924 txs=0 elapsed=488.336Β΅s
INFO[02/13,07:02:25 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=1.800ms mgasps=0.000 number=11572924 hash=f46d09…ffb2dc cache=1.59mB
INFO[02/13,07:02:25 Z] [35] Commit new mining work number=11572925 txs=0 elapsed=460.485Β΅s
INFO[02/13,07:02:25 Z] [35] πŸ”— block reached canonical chain number=11572919 hash=01e889…524f02
INFO[02/13,07:02:26 Z] [14] Committed address=0x1d4E05BB72677cB8fa576149c945b57d13F855e4 hash=1fabd3…af66fe number=11572925
INFO[02/13,07:02:26 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=1.777ms mgasps=0.000 number=11572925 hash=1fabd3…af66fe cache=1.59mB
INFO[02/13,07:02:26 Z] [35] Commit new mining work number=11572926 txs=0 elapsed=458.665Β΅s
INFO[02/13,07:02:27 Z] [14] Committed address=0x1d4E05BB72677cB8fa576149c945b57d13F855e4 hash=60b9aa…94f648 number=11572926
INFO[02/13,07:02:27 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=1.783ms mgasps=0.000 number=11572926 hash=60b9aa…94f648 cache=1.59mB
INFO[02/13,07:02:27 Z] [35] Commit new mining work

Queries ​

ken console ​

Kaia provides a CLI client: ken console. Another way of using the client is to connect to the process via IPC (inter-process communication). The IPC file kaia.ipc is located in the data directory on an EN.

Please execute the following command and check out the result.

$ ken attach /var/kend/data/kaia.ipc
Welcome to the Kaia JavaScript console!
instance: Kaia/vX.X.X/XXXX-XXXX/goX.X.X
datadir: /var/kend/data
modules: admin:1.0 debug:1.0 governance:1.0 istanbul:1.0 klay:1.0 miner:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0

You can check the usable commands on API Document

The useful APIs to check the status of EN:

  • kaia.blockNumber (to get the latest block number)
  • net.peerCount (to get the number of the connected Kaia nodes currently)

kaia.blockNumber ​

You can get the latest block number to see if blocks are propagated properly.

> kaia.blockNumber

net.peerCount ​

> net.peerCount

The above command line returns the number of nodes that the EN connects to.