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Public Account Key

AccountKeyPublic is used for accounts having one public key. If an account has an AccountKeyPublic object, the transaction validation process is done like below:

Import the @kaiachain/web3js-ext packages to add kaia features on web3

Define sender's address and private key

Set up the provider with the specified kairos testnet URL. A provider in web3js is a read-only abstraction to access the blockchain data.

Also, you can change the provider URL from kairos to quicknode

Define a web3 instance using the provider

Create a sender's wallet with the private key and provider

Define a message to be signed and recovered

Sign the message with sender's wallet

Recover the address from signed message using web3.eth.accounts.recover

Recover the address from signed message using web3.klay.recoverFromMessage


const { Web3 } = require("@kaiachain/web3js-ext");
// Using senderPriv == senderNewPriv to execute this example repeatedly.
// But you might want to register a different private key.
const senderAddr = "0xfb60ded0ae96fe04eed6450aead860aa9d57128e";
const senderPriv = "0x0e4ca6d38096ad99324de0dde108587e5d7c600165ae4cd6c2462c597458c2b8";
const provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("https://public-en-kairos.node.kaia.io");
const web3 = new Web3(provider);
const senderAccount = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(senderPriv);
async function main() {
const msg = "hello";
const msghex = Web3.utils.utf8ToHex(msg);
const signResult = senderAccount.sign(msg);
console.log({ senderAddr, msg, msghex, sig: signResult.signature });
const { v, r, s } = signResult;
const addr1 = web3.eth.accounts.recover(msg, v, r, s);
console.log("recoveredAddr lib", addr1, addr1.toLowerCase() === senderAccount.address.toLowerCase());
const sig = signResult.signature;
const addr2 = await web3.klay.recoverFromMessage(senderAddr, msghex, sig, "latest");
console.log("recoveredAddr rpc", addr2, addr2.toLowerCase() === senderAccount.address.toLowerCase());


❯ js SignMsgWithPubkeyExample.js
senderAddr: '0xe15cd70a41dfb05e7214004d7d054801b2a2f06b',
msg: 'hello',
msghex: '0x68656c6c6f',
sig: '0xed55b92b3db953c4b4d928c99f93275d2590fe2ec95f2d8c069068d86d43ce0c0d1206f297351c6a0dfaba9c24d1a2ac293ac8f8a73d16c2b0c39ce90bc36ab71b'
recoveredAddr lib 0xA2a8854b1802D8Cd5De631E690817c253d6a9153 true
recoveredAddr rpc 0xa2a8854b1802d8cd5de631e690817c253d6a9153 true

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