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V4 keystore single

This example demonstrates how to encrypt and decrypt keystore V4 single.

Import the Web3 class from the @kaiachain/web3js-ext package.

Set up the provider and define a web3 instance using the provider.

Define an encrypted keystore version 4

Specify the current password of the keystore and a new password.

Load the keystore with its current password

After decryped, you can access the public and private key.

You can generate a new keystore using the descrypted key and a new password. Note that the new encrypted key will be a keystore v3.

Check the new keystore public and private key, it will differ from original one since keystore v3 does not support klaytn account system.


const { Web3 } = require("@kaiachain/web3js-ext");
const provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("https://public-en-kairos.node.kaia.io");
const web3 = new Web3(provider);
// Klaytn V4 with one key. kcn account new --lightkdf
const encryptedKey = `{
// const address = "0xEc5eAa07b4d3CbAfe7bf437a1Ea9A898209F617c";
// const key = "0x4062512193ef1dab8ccf3e3d7a4862e3c740bdf11d852954ed48bc73643e354f";
const password = "password";
const newPassword = "newPassword";
async function main() {
const account = await web3.eth.accounts.decrypt(encryptedKey, password);
console.log("\ndecrypted address");
console.log("decrypted privateKey");
const encryptedKey2 = await account.encrypt(newPassword);
const account2 = await web3.eth.accounts.decrypt(encryptedKey2, newPassword);
console.log("\ndecrypted address with new password");
console.log("decrypted privateKey with new password");


❯ node keystoreV4-single.js
decrypted address
decrypted privateKey
decrypted address with new password
decrypted privateKey with new password

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