본문으로 건너뛰기
이 페이지는 영어로 된 기계 번역을 사용하므로 오류나 불명확한 언어가 포함될 수 있습니다. 가장 정확한 정보는 영어 원문을 참조하시기 바랍니다. 잦은 업데이트로 인해 일부 콘텐츠는 원래 영어로 되어 있을 수 있습니다. Crowdin에서 이 페이지의 번역을 개선하는 데 동참하여 도움을 주세요. (Crowdin translation page, Contributing guide)

Converting Your Unity Build to a LINE LIFF App

Now for the exciting part - turning your Unity WebGL build into a mini dApp that can be accessed through LINE!

Step 1: Create Your LIFF App

First, let's set up your app in the LINE ecosystem:

  1. LINE Developers Console Setup:
  • Visit LINE Developers Console.
  • Create a Provider (skip if you already have one).

  • Create a new LINE Login channel.

  • Navigate to the LIFF tab
  • Click "Add LIFF app"

  1. Configure LIFF Settings:

Size: Choose one of:
├── Full (entire screen)
├── Tall (75% of screen)
└── Compact (50% of screen)
Endpoint URL: https://example.com (temporary)
Permissions: Enable as needed


Save your LIFF ID - you'll need it in the next step!

Step 2: Modify Your WebGL Template

The index.html file helps us to check web3 availability, set up LINE integration (LIFF), proceed to load our Unity game and connect everything together.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-us">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Unity WebGL Player</title>
<script src="https://static.line-scdn.net/liff/edge/2/sdk.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/dapp_portal_sdk.js"></script>
body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
#unity-container { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; }
#unity-canvas { width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #231F20; }
#unity-loading-bar { display: none; }
#unity-progress-bar-empty { width: 141px; height: 18px; margin-top: 10px; background: url('Build/minidapp.progress-bar-empty-dark.png') no-repeat center; }
#unity-progress-bar-full { width: 0%; height: 18px; margin-top: 10px; background: url('Build/minidapp.progress-bar-full-dark.png') no-repeat center; }
<div id="unity-container">
<canvas id="unity-canvas"></canvas>
<div id="unity-loading-bar">
<div id="unity-progress-bar-empty">
<div id="unity-progress-bar-full"></div>
<script src="Build/minidapp.loader.js"></script>
var sdk = null;
var connectedAddress = null;
var myGameInstance = null;
var Module = {
onRuntimeInitialized: function() {
console.log("Runtime initialized");
env: {
MintToken: function(amount) {
GetBalance: function() {
ConnectWallet: function() {
DisconnectWallet: function() {
GetConnectedAddress: function() {
var address = window.GetConnectedAddress();
var bufferSize = lengthBytesUTF8(address) + 1;
var buffer = _malloc(bufferSize);
stringToUTF8(address, buffer, bufferSize);
return buffer;
async function initializeSDK() {
try {
await liff.init({
liffId: "YOUR_LIFF_ID" // Replace with your LIFF ID
if (!liff.isLoggedIn()) {
sdk = await DappPortalSDK.init({
clientId: 'YOUR CLIENT ID', // Replace with your CLIENT ID
chainId: '1001'
console.log("SDKs initialized");
return true;
} catch (error) {
console.error("SDK init error:", error);
return false;
window.ConnectWallet = async function() {
try {
if (!sdk) {
const initialized = await initializeSDK();
if (!initialized) return null;
if (!liff.isLoggedIn()) {
const provider = sdk.getWalletProvider();
const accounts = await provider.request({ method: 'kaia_requestAccounts' });
if (accounts && accounts.length > 0) {
connectedAddress = accounts[0];
myGameInstance.SendMessage('Web3Manager', 'OnWalletConnected', connectedAddress);
} catch (error) {
myGameInstance.SendMessage('Web3Manager', 'OnWalletError', error.message);
window.DisconnectWallet = async function() {
try {
if (liff.isLoggedIn()) {
await liff.logout();
const provider = sdk.getWalletProvider();
await provider.request({ method: 'kaia_disconnect' });
connectedAddress = null;
myGameInstance.SendMessage('Web3Manager', 'OnWalletDisconnected');
} catch (error) {
console.error("Disconnect error:", error);
myGameInstance.SendMessage('Web3Manager', 'OnWalletError', error.message);
window.GetConnectedAddress = function() {
return connectedAddress || '';
window.MintToken = async function(amount) {
try {
const provider = sdk.getWalletProvider();
const mintSignature = '0xa0712d68';
const amountHex = amount.toString(16).padStart(64, '0');
const data = mintSignature + amountHex;
const tx = {
from: connectedAddress,
to: '0x099D7feC4f799d1749adA8815eB21375E13E0Ddb',
value: '0x0',
data: data,
gas: '0x4C4B40'
const txHash = await provider.request({
method: 'kaia_sendTransaction',
params: [tx]
myGameInstance.SendMessage('Web3Manager', 'OnMintSuccess', txHash);
} catch (error) {
myGameInstance.SendMessage('Web3Manager', 'OnMintError', error.message);
window.GetBalance = async function() {
try {
const provider = sdk.getWalletProvider();
const balanceSignature = '0x70a08231';
const addressParam = connectedAddress.substring(2).padStart(64, '0');
const data = balanceSignature + addressParam;
const result = await provider.request({
method: 'kaia_call',
params: [{
from: connectedAddress,
to: '0x099D7feC4f799d1749adA8815eB21375E13E0Ddb',
data: data
}, 'latest']
const balance = parseInt(result, 16);
myGameInstance.SendMessage('Web3Manager', 'OnBalanceReceived', balance.toString());
} catch (error) {
myGameInstance.SendMessage('Web3Manager', 'OnBalanceError', error.message);
createUnityInstance(document.querySelector("#unity-canvas"), {
dataUrl: "Build/minidapp.data",
frameworkUrl: "Build/minidapp.framework.js",
codeUrl: "Build/minidapp.wasm",
streamingAssetsUrl: "StreamingAssets",
companyName: "DefaultCompany",
productName: "minidapp",
productVersion: "0.1",
}).then((unityInstance) => {
myGameInstance = unityInstance;

Make sure to change your LIFF-ID in the code snippet above.

Step 3: Deploy Your WebGL Build

  • Build your Unity project for WebGL
  • 모든 빌드 파일을 웹 서버에 업로드합니다(예: Netlify).

Your deployment folder structure should look like this:

├── Build/
│ ├── minidapp.data
│ ├── minidapp.framework.js
│ ├── minidapp.loader.js
│ └── minidapp.wasm
├── scripts/
│ └── dapp_portal_sdk.js
└── index.html

Step 4: Final Configuration & Testing

  1. Update your LIFF endpoint:
  • Return to LINE Developers Console
  • Locate your LIFF app
  • Click "Edit"
  • 배포된 사이트의 URL을 업데이트합니다.

이제 미니 디앱을 바로 사용할 수 있습니다.

Summing Up

Congratulations! You've successfully created your first LINE mini dApp with Unity! By completing this guide, you've implemented a mini dApp with token minting functionalities. Building a LINE mini dApp transcends traditional app development - it's about creating seamless Web3 experiences within an ecosystem that users already trust and use daily.

Through Kaia's integration, you've unlocked the ability to bring blockchain functionality directly to users' fingertips, eliminating the usual barriers to Web3 adoption. This combination of LINE's extensive reach and Web3 capabilities creates a unique opportunity to innovate in ways that were previously impossible.

The power of LINE mini dApps lies in their versatility and accessibility. Whether you're a developer exploring new blockchain implementations, a business looking to enhance customer engagement, or an innovator seeking to create novel digital experiences, the platform provides all the tools needed to bring your vision to life.

For more detailed information on developing LINE mini dApps, explore these comprehensive resources:


Appendix A

KaiaPlugin.jslib source code

Appendix B

Web3Manager.cs source code

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