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Token Economics
This section describes the token economics of the Kaia blockchain, including details about its native coin, KAIA, and the overall token economy model. It explains how KAIA functions as the fuel for the platform, its various denominations, and its role in transaction fees and smart contract execution. Further, this section outlines the distribution of KAIA, the funding mechanisms supporting the ecosystem's growth, and the governance structure ensuring its stability and sustainability. Explore the following pages for a comprehensive understanding:
- Kaia Native Token - KAIA: Learn about KAIA, its units (kei, Gkei, KAIA), and its utility within the Kaia ecosystem.
- Token Economy: Discover the distribution of KAIA, including the allocation to validators, community members, and dedicated funds like the Kaia Ecosystem Fund (KEF) and Kaia Infrastructure Fund (KIF). This page also details the governance and reward mechanisms.
📄️ Kaia native coin - KAIA
📄️ Token Economy