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Build Fee Delegation Example

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This tutorial helps you to write a simple server-client example using caver-js SDK to illustrate how fee delegated value transfer transaction works in Kaia. This tutorial and the example code is using the Kairos testnet.

2. How fee delegation works

Let's skim through how fee delegation works.

2.1 Transaction signing by the sender

Sender always should sign the transaction before sending a transaction.

To sign a transaction, use signTransaction which signs a transaction with given private key.

// using the event emitter
const senderAddress = "SENDER_ADDRESS";
const senderPrivateKey = "SENDER_PRIVATEKEY";
const toAddress = "TO_ADDRESS";
// Create a new transaction
const tx = caver.transaction.feeDelegatedValueTransfer.create({
from: keyring.address,
to: toAddress,
value: caver.utils.toPeb("0.0001", "KAIA"),
gas: 100000,
gasPrice: await caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice(), // Get current gas price
chainId: await caver.rpc.klay.getChainId(), // Get current chain ID
// Sign the transaction
const signed = await caver.wallet.sign(keyring.address, tx);
const senderRawTransaction = tx.getRLPEncoding();

If there are no errors, then senderRawTransaction will have a signed transaction which is signed by the senderPrivateKey.

Now, you need to send the senderRawTransaction to the fee payer. There will be various ways to implement this. In this tutorial, we will provide you a simple server-client code as an example of sending a senderRawTransaction to the fee payer.

2.2 Transaction signing by the fee payer

When fee payer receives the senderRawTransaction, fee payer signs the senderRawTransaction again with their private key and sends the transaction to Kaia. The below code snippet illustrates the process. kaia.sendRawTransaction method signs the transaction with the given account's private key before sending the transaction. Before running the code, please replace "FEEPAYER_ADDRESS" and "PRIVATE_KEY" with the actual values.

Note that when the fee payer submits the transaction to Kaia on behalf of the sender, the senderRawTransaction type must be a FEE_DELEGATED type of transaction. In the below example, sendTransaction(FEE_DELEGATED_VALUE_TRANSFER) method is invoked, because the original senderRawTransaction generated by the sender was TxTypeFeeDelegatedValueTransfer.

const feePayerAddress = "FEEPAYER_ADDRESS";
const feePayerPrivateKey = "PRIVATE_KEY"
const tx = caver.transaction.decode(senderRawTransaction);
console.log("Decoded transaction:", tx);
tx.feePayer = keyring.address;
const signed = await caver.wallet.signAsFeePayer(keyring.address, tx);
// Send the transaction
const receipt = await caver.rpc.klay.sendRawTransaction(
.on('transactionHash', function(hash){
.on('receipt', function(receipt){
.on('error', console.error); // If an out-of-gas error, the second parameter is the receipt.

3. Simple server and client for fee delegation

Let's write a simple server and client using above fee delegation code.

3.1 Environment setup

We will use npm and caver-js to setup environment for this example as below.

$ mkdir example
$ cd example
$ npm init
$ npm install caver-js@latest

3.1 Sender's client

First, we are going to write a sender_client.js as below.

In the example, please replace "SENDER_ADDRESS", "SENDER_PRIVATEKEY" and "TO_ADDRESS" with the actual values.

import { Socket } from "net";
import Caver from "caver-js";
const client = new Socket();
const caver = new Caver("https://public-en-kairos.node.kaia.io");
const senderAddress = "SENDER_ADDRESS";
const senderPrivateKey =
const toAddress = "TO_ADDRESS";
const sendFeeDelegateTx = async () => {
try {
// Add sender's keyring to wallet
const keyring = caver.wallet.newKeyring(senderAddress, senderPrivateKey);
// Create a new transaction
const tx = caver.transaction.feeDelegatedValueTransfer.create({
from: keyring.address,
to: toAddress,
value: caver.utils.toPeb("0.0001", "KAIA"),
gas: 100000,
gasPrice: await caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice(), // Get current gas price
chainId: await caver.rpc.klay.getChainId(), // Get current chain ID
// Sign the transaction
const signed = await caver.wallet.sign(keyring.address, tx);
const senderRawTransaction = tx.getRLPEncoding();
if (!senderRawTransaction) {
throw new Error("Failed to generate raw transaction");
// Send signed raw transaction to fee payer's server
client.connect(1337, "", () => {
console.log("Connected to fee delegated service");
client.on("data", (data) => {
console.log("Received data from server:", data.toString());
client.on("error", (error) => {
console.error("Connection error:", error);
client.on("close", () => {
console.log("Connection closed");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Transaction error:", error);

The above code signs a fee delegated value transfer transaction with senderPrivateKey and sends the signed senderRawTransaction to the fee payer's server which is running on port 1337 on, i.e. localhost.

3.2 Fee payer's server

Now let's write the fee payer's server, feepayer_server.js, which signs received senderRawTransaction with feePayerPrivateKey and sends it to Kairos testnet.

In the below example, please replace "FEEPAYER_ADDRESS" and "FEEPAYER_PRIVATEKEY" with actual values.

import { createServer } from "net";
import Caver from "caver-js";
const caver = new Caver("https://public-en-kairos.node.kaia.io");
const feePayerAddress = "FEEPAYER_ADDRESS";
const feePayerPrivateKey =
// add fee payer's keyring to wallet
const keyring = caver.wallet.newKeyring(feePayerAddress, feePayerPrivateKey);
const feePayerSign = async (senderRawTransaction, socket) => {
try {
const tx = caver.transaction.decode(senderRawTransaction);
console.log("Decoded transaction:", tx);
tx.feePayer = keyring.address;
const signed = await caver.wallet.signAsFeePayer(keyring.address, tx);
// Send the transaction
const receipt = await caver.rpc.klay.sendRawTransaction(
console.log("Transaction receipt:", receipt);
if (receipt.transactionHash) {
socket.write(`Tx hash: ${receipt.transactionHash}\n`);
socket.write(`Sender Tx hash: ${receipt.senderTxHash || ""}\n`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error in feePayerSign:", error);
socket.write(`Error: ${error.message}\n`);
var server = createServer(function (socket) {
console.log("Client is connected ...");
socket.write("This is fee delegating service");
socket.write("Fee payer is " + feePayerAddress);
socket.on("data", function (data) {
console.log("Received data from client:", data.toString());
feePayerSign(data.toString(), socket);
socket.on("error", (error) => {
console.error("Socket error:", error);
socket.on("end", () => {
console.log("Client disconnected");
server.listen(1337, "");
console.log("Fee delegate service started ...");

The server listens on port 1337.

When there is incoming data, it signs the data with feePayerPrivateKey and sends it to the Kaia blockchain. It assumes that the data is senderRawTransaction from the sender_client.js.

4. Run example

Prepare two terminals, one for sender_client.js and another for feepayer_server.js.

4.1 Run feepayer_server.js

Below the command will start the fee payer's server.

$ node feepayer_server.js
Fee delegate service started ...

The server starts and is now listening on port 1337.

4.2 Run sender_client.js

Let's run sender_client.js to send a fee delegated transaction.

$ node sender_client.js
Signed a fee delegated value transfer transaction.
Sending a signed transaction to fee delegated service.
Connected to fee delegated service
Received data from server: This is fee delegating service
Received data from server: Fee payer is 0x811CE345DB9D8aD17513Cc77d76a1ace9eC46F02
Received data from server: Tx hash is 0x1e6a019bb9c6cf156a6046ca33f0c810fb9fb6fdcb6df32b2e34a1d50f7f8a9d
Received data from server: Sender Tx hash is 0x7263d2dc5b36abc754726b220b7ad243dd789934109c6874e539ada5c7e9f193

It will sign a transaction with the sender private key and send the signed transaction to the fee delegated service (i.e., fee payer's server). Then it will receive the response from the fee delegate service including the Fee payer address, Tx hash, and Sender Tx hash. Tx hash is hash of a transaction submitted to the Kaia network, while Sender Tx hash is hash of a transaction without the fee payer's address and signature. For more details, please take a look at SenderTxHash.

4.3 Check feepayer_server.js

On the server's console, you will see below outputs. It prints the transaction receipt from the Kaia.

$ node feepayer_server.js
Fee delegate service started ...
Client is connected ...
Received data from client: 0x09f89f0485066720b300830186a094811ce345db9d8ad17513cc77d76a1ace9ec46f02865af3107a400094213eb97cc74af77b78d1cfd968bc89ab816872daf847f8458207f5a0cefe267a80c014d1750c31aa312843b3696a14abebc1be88c63d0b63d6b6f714a0512abfe3533f2cfd924e7decdd21e05f22a22f04b35db09f39839708043daac3940000000000000000000000000000000000000000c4c3018080
Decoded transaction: FeeDelegatedValueTransfer {
_type: 'TxTypeFeeDelegatedValueTransfer',
_from: '0x213eb97cc74af77b78d1cfd968bc89ab816872da',
_gas: '0x186a0',
_nonce: '0x4',
_signatures: [
SignatureData {
_v: '0x07f5',
_r: '0xcefe267a80c014d1750c31aa312843b3696a14abebc1be88c63d0b63d6b6f714',
_s: '0x512abfe3533f2cfd924e7decdd21e05f22a22f04b35db09f39839708043daac3'
_klaytnCall: {
getChainId: [Function (anonymous)] {
method: [Method],
request: [Function: bound request],
call: 'klay_chainID',
getMethod: [Function (anonymous)]
getGasPrice: [Function (anonymous)] {
method: [Method],
request: [Function: bound request],
call: 'klay_gasPrice',
getMethod: [Function (anonymous)]
getTransactionCount: [Function (anonymous)] {
method: [Method],
request: [Function: bound request],
call: 'klay_getTransactionCount',
getMethod: [Function (anonymous)]
getHeaderByNumber: [Function (anonymous)] {
method: [Method],
request: [Function: bound request],
call: 'klay_getHeaderByNumber',
getMethod: [Function (anonymous)]
getAccountKey: [Function (anonymous)] {
method: [Method],
request: [Function: bound request],
call: 'klay_getAccountKey',
getMethod: [Function (anonymous)]
getTransactionByHash: [Function (anonymous)] {
method: [Method],
request: [Function: bound request],
call: 'klay_getTransactionByHash',
getMethod: [Function (anonymous)]
getMaxPriorityFeePerGas: [Function (anonymous)] {
method: [Method],
request: [Function: bound request],
call: 'klay_maxPriorityFeePerGas',
getMethod: [Function (anonymous)]
_feePayer: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
_feePayerSignatures: [ SignatureData { _v: '0x01', _r: '0x', _s: '0x' } ],
_to: '0x811ce345db9d8ad17513cc77d76a1ace9ec46f02',
_value: '0x5af3107a4000',
_gasPrice: '0x66720b300'
Transaction receipt: {
blockHash: '0xb2727edaa2ffc8a8fece0ce54154b469887a9f6725bac6811ac610131c135046',
blockNumber: '0xa45da40',
contractAddress: null,
effectiveGasPrice: '0x66720b300',
feePayer: '0x811ce345db9d8ad17513cc77d76a1ace9ec46f02',
feePayerSignatures: [
V: '0x7f6',
R: '0x6207f1c3c8c75f1a57ff3d1c87a51b7067f6076b1bf37c3a1ad296e441cfa9db',
S: '0x7f086233c6d99f92d78bd1d3292127c1bda7fc41bab670a9e8a38302a742eb11'
from: '0x213eb97cc74af77b78d1cfd968bc89ab816872da',
gas: '0x186a0',
gasPrice: '0x66720b300',
gasUsed: '0x7918',
logs: [],
logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
nonce: '0x4',
senderTxHash: '0x7263d2dc5b36abc754726b220b7ad243dd789934109c6874e539ada5c7e9f193',
signatures: [
V: '0x7f5',
R: '0xcefe267a80c014d1750c31aa312843b3696a14abebc1be88c63d0b63d6b6f714',
S: '0x512abfe3533f2cfd924e7decdd21e05f22a22f04b35db09f39839708043daac3'
status: '0x1',
to: '0x811ce345db9d8ad17513cc77d76a1ace9ec46f02',
transactionHash: '0x1e6a019bb9c6cf156a6046ca33f0c810fb9fb6fdcb6df32b2e34a1d50f7f8a9d',
transactionIndex: '0x1',
type: 'TxTypeFeeDelegatedValueTransfer',
typeInt: 9,
value: '0x5af3107a4000'

4.4 Kaia scope

You can also find the above transaction on the Kaiascope.

It shows that the transaction is TxTypeFeeDelegatedValueTransfer and Fee payer is 0x811CE345DB9D8aD17513Cc77d76a1ace9eC46F02 or feepayerAddress that you entered, while From is a different address which should be the senderAddress in above example.

Fee delegated Tx

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