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Monitor Core Cell


The Kaia team provides a site for monitoring the Kaia CCN at The telegraf monitoring agent is installed in each CN/PN of the CC to collect metrics and send them to the monitoring server. Once installed, you may visit the monitoring site to view the metrics of the Kaia CCs.

The installation process is as follows:

  1. Install telegraf in the CN/PNs
  2. Configure telegraf
  3. Start telegraf

Telegraf Installation

Telegraf Installation Guide (Amazon Linux 2 users, see below):

Note for Amazon Linux 2

To install Telegraph on Amazon Linux 2, you may use InfluxData's RHEL 7 yum repo as follows:

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/influxdb.repo
name = InfluxData Repository - Stable
baseurl =\$basearch/main
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey =

Telegraf Setup

Enable monitoring in kcnd/kpnd




You may confirm that the above two options are enabled by checking that port 61001 is open.

$ netstat -ntap | grep 61001
tcp 0 0 :::61001 :::* LISTEN 8989/kcn

Configure Telegraf service

Copy the following file to the telegraf configuration directory (/etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/), and edit nodetype, instance, and hostname appropriately for each node:

# Change "cn" to "pn" for PN installation
nodetype = "cn"
# The CN/PN name (e.g. `example-cn`, `example-pn`)
instance = "<hostname>"
# The CN/PN name (e.g. `example-cn`, `example-pn`)
hostname = "<hostname>"
urls = [ "http://localhost:" ]
database = "klaytn_mainnet"
urls = [ "http://localhost:61001/metrics" ]

Change the following in /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf:

  • Comment out the [[outputs.influxdb]] section

Start Telegraf

$ systemctl restart telegraf


If each CN/PN has the above configuration and agent, you can check the metrics at the following URL:

As a CC operator, you may request an account by providing your company name and email address in the Slack channel. Please note that only CC operators are allowed to request a Grafana account.