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[Block] eth_getBlockByHash

Returns information about a block by hash.

Please check Caution-Block before using this API

JSONRPC: eth_getBlockByHash





  • Array [

  • BlockHash 32-byte DATA

    Hash of a block.

    IsTransactionObjects IsTransactionObjects (boolean)

    If true, it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.

  • ]


Returns information about a block by hash.




    code int64required

    A Number that indicates the error type that occurred. This MUST be an integer.

    -32700Parse errorinvalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.
    -32602Invalid paramsInvalid method parameter(s).
    message string

    A String providing a short description of the error. The message SHOULD be limited to a concise single sentence.

    data string

    A Primitive or Structured value that contains additional information about the error. This may be omitted. The value of this member is defined by the Server (e.g. detailed error information, nested errors etc.).



    baseFeePerGas hexrequired

    The base fee per gas.

    difficulty hexrequired

    The integer of the difficulty for this block

    extraData DATArequired

    The "extra data" field of this block.

    gasLimit hexrequired

    The maximum gas allowed in this block.

    gasUsed hexrequired

    The total used gas by all transactions in this block.

    hash 32-byte DATArequired

    Hash of the block. null when it is a pending block.

    logsBloom 256-byte DATArequired

    The bloom filter for the logs of the block. null when it is a pending block.

    miner 20-byte DATArequired

    The address of the beneficiary to whom the mining rewards were given.

    mixHash 32-byte DATArequired

    The hash which proves combined with the nonce that a sufficient amount of computation has been carried out on this block.

    nonce 8-byte DATArequired

    The hash of the generated proof-of-work.

    number hexrequired

    The block number. null when it is a pending block.

    parentHash 32-byte DATArequired

    Hash of the parent block.

    receiptsRoot 32-byte DATArequired

    The root of the receipts trie of the block.

    sha3Uncles 32-byte DATArequired

    The SHA3 of the uncles data in the block.

    size hexrequired

    Integer of the size of this block in bytes.

    stateRoot 32-byte DATArequired

    The root of the final state trie of the block.

    timestamp hexrequired

    The Unix timestamp for when the block was collated.

    totalDifficulty hexrequired

    The total blockScore of the chain until this block

    transactionsRoot 32-byte DATArequired

    The root of the transaction trie of the block.



    Array of transaction objects, or 32-byte transaction hashes depending on the last given parameter.

  • Array [

  • oneOf


  • ]

  • uncles 32-byte DATA[]

    Array of uncle hashes.

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