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Use CSV Airdrop

This is a custom app in Kaia Safe that can be used to batch multiple transfers of ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155 and native tokens into a single transaction. It's as simple as uploading / copy & pasting a single CSV transfer file and hitting the submit button.

This single method saves gas ⛽ and a substantial amount of time ⌚ by requiring less signatures and transactions.

Let’s get started with an example using CSV Airdrop!

Step 1: Login into your KaiaSafe

If you haven't created a Safe account yet, please refer to our Create a Safe Guide and Add Asset Guide to set up your account and add assets (KAIA, FT, NFT).

Step 2: Click apps, search CSV and select CSV Airdrop

Step 3: Prepare a Transfer CSV file

Transfer files are expected to be in CSV format with the following required columns:

  • token_type: The type of token that is being transferred. One of erc20,nft or native. NFT Tokens can be either ERC721 or ERC1155.
  • token_address: Ethereum address of ERC20 token to be transferred. This has to be left blank for native (ETH) transfers.
  • receiver: Ethereum address of transfer receiver.
  • amount: the amount of token to be transferred. This can be left blank for erc721 transfers.
  • id: The id of the collectible token (erc721 or erc1155) to transfer. This can be left blank for native and erc20 transfers.

The CSV file has to use "," as a separator and the header row always has to be provided as the first row and include the described column names. Sample Transfer File

Native Token Transfers

Since native tokens do not have a token address, you must leave the token_address column blank for native transfers.


Make sure you have enough native tokens in the kaia safe wallet address.

ERC-20 Transfers

Provide erc20 as token_type for erc20 transfers and other respective fields accordingly.


Make sure you have enough erc20 tokens in the kaia safe wallet address.

ERC-721 Transfers

Provide erc721 as token_type for erc721 transfers and other respective fields accordingly.


Make sure you have enough erc721 tokens in the kaia safe wallet address.


For this illustration, we have 2 native transfers, 2 ERC20 transfers and 1 ERC721 transfers

Step 4: Review and submit transaction

You'll be able to review and confirm the transaction. Once ready, click Submit to execute the transaction just like any other Safe transaction.

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