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NFT Locks
Team Finance’s NFT lock feature allows creators to securely lock their personal or team-allocated NFTs for a set duration by transferring them to a time-locked smart contract vault.
By using Team Finance NFT locks, projects can demonstrate commitment, build credibility, and reduce the risk of scams ultimately fostering trust within the community and among investors.
Getting Started
In this tutorial, you will learn how to lock NFTs with Team Finance. Let's get started!
- Navigate to Team Finance NFT locks tab and click on Create NFT lock.
- Connect your wallet to Team Finance by clicking on Select Wallet and click Continue.
- Select Kaia under the blockchain networks and click on Continue.
- Enter the NFT info(contract address and tokenid) for the NFT you are locking and click Continue.
- Set the time period you would like to lock your NFT for.
- Give authorisation to lock your NFT tokens by clicking Give permission.
This prompts you to sign an authorisation transaction.
- Verify your NFT lock details and then proceed to click Confirm transaction. Your wallet will be prompted to sign the transaction to complete the process.
- Once confirmed, you will be re-directed to a page where it shows the status of the transaction. Please refrain from navigating away from the page until the transaction is confirmed.
- Congratulations! You have successfully created a NFT lock using Team Finance. You can view the details of your lock and track its progress on the dashboard.