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Finschia users can swap their FNSA tokens on Finshia network to KAIA tokens on Kaia network at a fixed swap rate. The swap is mediated by a set of smart contract and programs, collectively called Kaiabridge.

A token swap process begins with the Finschia user sending the FNSA token to the fwsap module. The token is first swapped from cony to kei denomination, then transferred to fbridge module. The event from fbridge is recognized by the trusted relayers and submitted to bridge smart contracts on Kaia chain. The bridging request is handled in multiple steps:

  • Inflight: The token arrived in Finschia's fbridge module, but the relayers did not report to the Kaia smart contracts.
  • Confirmed: The relayers submitted the request to the contracts ("provision"). Now the request enters a 30 minute timelock.
  • Claimed: After the timelock has expired, the token has been transferred ("claim") to the destination account on Kaia chain.

Kaiabridge smart contracts has built-in multisig features. For instance, it takes multiple provision transactions from the Operator accounts for a request to be Confirmed. Each Operator account is held by a relayer, and the relayers are managed by Kaia Foundation and Finschia Foundation.

You can find the contract source codes in kaiachain GitHub and deployed addresses in the contract addresses page.

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