const { ethers } = require("ethers");
const { Wallet, TxType, AccountKeyType } = require("@kaiachain/ethers-ext/v6");
// Using same senderNewPriv keys to execute this example repeatedly.
// But you might want to register the different private keys.
const senderAddr = "0x82c6a8d94993d49cfd0c1d30f0f8caa65782cc7e";
const senderNewPriv1 = "0xa32c30608667d43be2d652bede413f12a649dd1be93440878e7f712d51a6768a";
const senderNewPriv2 = "0x0e4ca6d38096ad99324de0dde108587e5d7c600165ae4cd6c2462c597458c2b8";
const senderNewPriv3 = "0xc9668ccd35fc20587aa37a48838b48ccc13cf14dd74c8999dd6a480212d5f7ac";
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("");
const wallet1 = new Wallet(senderAddr, senderNewPriv1, provider);
const wallet2 = new Wallet(senderAddr, senderNewPriv2, provider);
const wallet3 = new Wallet(senderAddr, senderNewPriv3, provider);
const pub1 = ethers.SigningKey.computePublicKey(senderNewPriv1, true);
const pub2 = ethers.SigningKey.computePublicKey(senderNewPriv2, true);
const pub3 = ethers.SigningKey.computePublicKey(senderNewPriv3, true);
console.log({ pub1, pub2, pub3 });
type: TxType.AccountUpdate,
type: AccountKeyType.WeightedMultiSig,
// The example senderAddr actually requires only 2 signature (threshold = 2),
// but we use 3 signatures to show different ways to sign a transaction.
// sign 1: First signer sign from the tx object
const populatedTx = await wallet1.populateTransaction(tx);
const rawTx1 = await wallet1.signTransaction(populatedTx);
console.log("rawTx1", rawTx1);
// sign 2: Middle signer sign from the rawTx
const rawTx2 = await wallet2.signTransaction(rawTx1);
console.log("rawTx2", rawTx2);
// sign 3: Last signer sign and send from the rawTx
const sentTx3 = await wallet3.sendTransaction(rawTx2);
console.log("sentTx3", sentTx3.hash);
const receipt = await sentTx3.wait();
console.log("receipt", receipt);