本頁面使用機器翻譯自英語,可能包含錯誤或不清楚的語言。如需最準確的信息,請參閱英文原文。由於更新頻繁,部分內容可能與英文原文有出入。請加入我們在 Crowdin 上的努力,幫助我們改進本頁面的翻譯。 (Crowdin translation page, Contributing guide)
Download Kaia
You can download the latest stable release of Kaia for our primary platforms below. Packages for all supported platforms, as well as develop builds, can be found further down the page. If you're looking to install kaia and/or associated tools via your favorite package manager, please check our installation guide.
Archived releases
These are the current and previous releases of Kaia, updated automatically when a new version is tagged in our GitHub repository.
您可以通過 Git 獲取源代碼。 文檔託管在 GoDoc 上。