將 Privy 整合到 dApp 中
Privy是一個簡單的錢包工具包,用於在 web3 中進行漸進式身份驗證。 有了 Privy,開發人員可以使用傳統和 web3 身份驗證方法登錄用戶,實現漸進式登錄,提高用戶轉化率。
在本指南中,您將使用 Privy 錢包工具包將 Metamask、Coinbase Wallet 等外部錢包以及 Google、Twitter、Email 等社交登錄信息整合到您在 Kaia 網絡上構建的 dApp 中。
- 一個正在運行的 Next.js 項目。 您可以克隆 Privy 提供的 create-next-app 模板來學習本教程。
- 來自Privy 開發者控制檯的應用程序ID
克隆模板是一個簡單的 Next.js Privy Auth 入門模板,包含三個主要核心文件:
- index.tsx:該文件處理用戶的登錄驗證。
- app.tsx:該文件處理 Privy SDK 的初始化 ,並用 PrivyProvider 封裝我們的組件。
- dashboard.tsx:這是用戶登錄後重定向到的頁面。 它可以測試每種登錄方法(谷歌、Twitter、電子郵件、錢包)。 對於本指南來說,更重要的是,我們將在使用 MetaMask 等外部錢包連接時執行某些功能。 這些功能包括:獲取用戶餘額、向另一個賬戶發送 KAIA、部署合約、與智能合約交互。
要在 dApp 中使用 Privy,必須先安裝所需的庫和 SDK。 因此,您需要設置 ethers.js,以及 Privy React Auth SDK。 您可以將 Privy 與 etherthers.js、web3.js、viem 庫一起使用,與 Kaia 區塊鏈進行通信。 在本指南中,我們將使用 ethers.js 庫。
打開項目文件夾,運行下面的命令安裝所需的庫和 SDK:
npm install —save @privy-io/react-authnpm install --save ethers
PrivyProvider 應封裝任何將使用 Privy SDK 的組件。 為此,請打開 _app.tsx 文件並粘貼下面的代碼:
import '../styles/globals.css';import type {AppProps} from 'next/app';import Head from 'next/head';import {PrivyProvider} from '@privy-io/react-auth';import {useRouter} from 'next/router';function MyApp({Component, pageProps}: AppProps) { const router = useRouter(); return ( <> <Head> <title>Privy Auth Starter</title> <meta name="description" content="Privy Auth Starter" /> </Head> <PrivyProvider appId={process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PRIVY_APP_ID || ''} onSuccess={() => router.push('/dashboard')} > <Component {...pageProps} /> </PrivyProvider> </> );}export default MyApp;
- 您的
需要在 .env 文件中更新。 您可以使用 Privy 為測試目的提供的以下 "測試應用程序 ID:clpispdty00ycl80fpueukbhl "開始使用。 - 一個可選的
回調,用戶成功登錄後執行該回調。 - 一個可選的 "createPrivyWalletOnLogin "布爾值,用於配置是否希望用戶在登錄時創建嵌入式錢包。
- 可選配置屬性,用於自定義上機體驗。
在 index.tsx
文件的 LoginPage 函數中,調用 login 方法,打開 Privy 登錄模態,提示用戶登錄。
import {usePrivy} from '@privy-io/react-auth'; const {login} = usePrivy(); return ( <div> <button onClick={login}> Log in </button> </div> );
通過上面的步驟,你會發現我們是通過連接錢包登錄的。 在這一步中,我們將 檢索用戶的相關 Kaia 地址。 此外,您還可以使用 ethers.js 檢索其當前餘額(以 KAIA 為單位)。
在 dashboard.tsx 文件中,粘貼以下代碼:
import {useRouter} from 'next/router';import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';import {usePrivy, useWallets} from '@privy-io/react-auth';const {ready, authenticated} = usePrivy();const {wallets} = useWallets();useEffect(() => { if (ready && !authenticated) { router.push('/'); } }, [ready, authenticated, router]);const [balance, setBalance] = useState("");async function getBalance() { if (!authenticated) { console.log("user not authenticated yet"); return; } const provider = await wallets[0].getEthersProvider(); const signer = provider.getSigner(); // Get user's Ethereum public address const address = await signer.getAddress(); console.log(address); // Get user's balance in ether const balance = ethers.formatEther( (await provider.getBalance(address)).toString() // balance is in wei ); console.log(balance); setBalance(balance);}return ( {ready && authenticated ? ( <div className=“App”> <button onClick={getBalance}>Get Balance</button> <p>{balance ? ` User with ${wallets[0].address} has ${balance} KAIA` : "None"}</p> </div>) : null });
用戶登錄後,可以通過從 usePrivy 派生的 logout
方法以編程方式註銷用戶。 這將斷開當前活動會話與 dApp 的連接,使用戶返回初始狀態。
const { logout } = usePrivy(); return ( {ready && authenticated ? ( <div className="App"> <button onClick={logout}>Logout</button> </div>) : null } );
Privy 為用戶提供了使用 web3 錢包和社交登錄連接到 dApp 的便利。 如果用戶使用自己的社交賬戶(如 twitter、discord、谷歌賬戶等)連接到 dApp,您就可以從 usePrivy
中調用 user
,這會返回一個包含用戶 ID、電子郵件、錢包地址等關鍵信息的對象。
const { user } = usePrivy();return ( {ready && authenticated ? ( <div className="App"> <div> <p>User object</p> <textarea value={JSON.stringify(user, null, 2)} rows={20} disabled/> </div> </div>) : null });
您可以執行本地事務,如將 KAIA 從一個用戶發送到另一個用戶。
const [klayTransferTx, setKlayTransferTx] = useState("");async function sendTx() { if (!authenticated) { console.log("User not authenticated yet"); return; } const provider = await wallets[0].getEthersProvider(); const signer = provider?.getSigner() console.log(await signer.getAddress()); const destination = "PASTE DESTINATION WALLET ADDRESS" const tx = await signer.sendTransaction({ to: destination, value: ethers.parseEther("0.1"), maxPriorityFeePerGas: "5000000000", // Max priority fee per gas maxFeePerGas: "6000000000000", // Max fee per gas })const receipt = await tx.wait();console.log(receipt);setKlayTransferTx(receipt.transactionHash)}return ( {ready && authenticated ? ( <div className="mt-12 flex flex-col gap-5"> <button onClick={sendTx}>Send Transaction</button> <p>{klayTransferTx ? `KAIA Successfully Transferred with: ${klayTransferTx} hash` : "No Tx yet"}</p> </div>) : null });
1. 部署合同
// add to the existing useState hook.const [contractAddress, setContractAddress] = useState("");const deployContract = async () => { if (!authenticated) { console.log("privy not initialized yet"); return; } const provider = await wallets[0].getEthersProvider(); const signer = provider.getSigner(); console.log(await signer.getAddress()); // paste your contractABIconst contractABI = [ { "inputs": [ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_initNum", "type": "uint256" } ], "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "constructor" }, { "inputs": [], "name": "retrieve", "outputs": [ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" } ], "stateMutability": "view", "type": "function" }, { "inputs": [ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "num", "type": "uint256" } ], "name": "store", "outputs": [], "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "function" } ] // Paste your contract byte code const contractBytecode = '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' const contractFactory = new ethers.ContractFactory(contractABI, contractBytecode, signer); const contract = await contractFactory.deploy(1000); // get contract address setContractAddress(await contract.getAddress())}return ( {ready && authenticated ? ( <div className="App"> <button onClick={deployContract}>Deploy Contract</button> <p >{contractAddress ? `Contract was Successfully deployed at: ${contractAddress}` : "No contracts deployed yet"}</p> </div>) : null });
2. 撰寫合同
const [contractWriteTx, setContractTx] = useState("");const writeToContract = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (!authenticated) { console.log("privy not initialized yet"); return; } const provider = await wallets[0].getEthersProvider(); const signer = provider.getSigner(); const contractABI = [ { "inputs": [ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_initNum", "type": "uint256" } ], "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "constructor" }, { "inputs": [], "name": "retrieve", "outputs": [ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" } ], "stateMutability": "view", "type": "function" }, { "inputs": [ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "num", "type": "uint256" } ], "name": "store", "outputs": [], "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "function" } ] // Paste your contract address const contractAddress = "0x3b01E4025B428fFad9481a500BAc36396719092C"; const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contractABI, signer); const value = e.target.store_value.value; // Send a transaction to smart contract to update the value const tx = await contract.store(value); console.log(tx.hash); setContractTx(tx.hash);}return ( {ready && authenticated ? ( <div className="App"> <form onSubmit={writeToContract}> <input name="store_value" placeholder="Set contract value" required/> <input type="submit" value="Store"/> </form> <div>Write-to-contract Tx Hash: ${contractWriteTx}</div> </div>) : null });
3. 閱讀合同
const [readContractMessage, setContractMessage] = useState();const readFromContract = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (!authenticated) { console.log("privy not initialized yet"); return; } const provider = await wallets[0].getEthersProvider(); const signer = provider.getSigner(); const contractABI = [ { "inputs": [ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_initNum", "type": "uint256" } ], "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "constructor" }, { "inputs": [], "name": "retrieve", "outputs": [ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" } ], "stateMutability": "view", "type": "function" }, { "inputs": [ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "num", "type": "uint256" } ], "name": "store", "outputs": [], "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "function" } ] // Paste your contract address const contractAddress = "0x3b01E4025B428fFad9481a500BAc36396719092C"; const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contractABI, provider) // Reading a message from the smart contract const contractMessage = await contract.retrieve(); setContractMessage(contractMessage.toString())}return ( {ready && authenticated ? ( <div className="App"> <button onClick={readFromContract}> Read Contract Message</button> <p>{readContractMessage ? `Message stored in contract is: ${readContractMessage}` : "No message from contract yet"}</p> </div>) : null });
有關 Privy 的更深入指南,請參閱Privy 文檔 和Privy Github 倉庫。 此外,您還可以在 GitHub 上找到本指南的完整實現代碼。