本頁面使用機器翻譯自英語,可能包含錯誤或不清楚的語言。如需最準確的信息,請參閱英文原文。由於更新頻繁,部分內容可能與英文原文有出入。請加入我們在 Crowdin 上的努力,幫助我們改進本頁面的翻譯。 (Crowdin translation page, Contributing guide)

Quick Start



  • Cocos Dashboard installed on your computer
  • Basic TypeScript knowledge
  • A Cocos Developer Account
  • A LINE Developer Account (easily created with your email)
  • Test KAIA tokens from the Kaia Faucet
  • DApp Portal SDK Client ID (provided by the DApp Portal team)
  • Basic Web3 familiarity(a general understanding of wallets and tokens is sufficient)

Setting Up Development Environment for Cocos Creator

Before we begin, let's ensure your development environment is properly set up. We'll start by installing and verifying the Cocos Dashboard.

Step 1: Install and Verify Cocos Dashboard

To avoid compatibility issues, ensure you're using the correct version of Cocos Creator:

  • Install Cocos Dashboard if you haven’t already.

  • Install Cocos Creator Editor (this guide uses version 3.8.4).

Step 2: Create a New Cocos Creator Project

  1. Open Cocos Dashboard and navigate to the Projects tab.
  2. Click New Project in the top-right corner.
  3. Under Templates, select Empty (3D).
  4. Enter a project name (e.g., cocos-mini-dapp-example).
  5. Choose a preferred location for your project files.
  6. Click Create and Open to finalize setup.
