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Basic type transaction class



LegacyTransaction represents a legacy transaction. A kaiaaccount can execute a LegacyTransaction only with AccountKeyLegacy. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a LegacyTransaction.

LegacyTransaction has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally given in transactionObject when the user creates LegacyTransaction.

ghi chú

NOTE: You can create an instance of LegacyTransaction from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.legacyTransaction.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.

NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.legacyTransaction({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.legacyTransaction.create({...}).


gasstringThe maximum amount of transaction fee the transaction is allowed to use.
valuestring(optional, default: '0x0') The amount of KAIA in peb to be transferred. You can use caver.utils.toPeb.
fromstring(optional) The address of the sender. If omitted, the keyring address used for signing will be set.
tostring(optional, default: '0x') The account address that will receive the transferred value or smart contact address if a legacy transaction execute smart contract. If a legacy transaction deploys a smart contract, to does not need to be defined.
inputstring(optional) Data attached to the transaction, used for smart contract deployment/execution.
signaturesArray(optional) An array of signatures. A legacy transaction can have only one signature.
noncestring(optional) A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getTransactionCount(address, 'pending') will be used to set nonce.
gasPricestring(optional) A multiplier to get how much the sender will pay in tokens. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice will be used to set gasPrice.
chainIdstring(optional) The chain id of the kaia network. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getChainId will be used to set chainId.


// Create a legacyTransaction for sending KAIA
> caver.transaction.legacyTransaction.create({
to: '0x9957dfd92e4b70f91131c573293343bc5f21f215',
value: caver.utils.toPeb(1, 'KLAY'),
gas: 25000,
// Create a legacyTransaction to deploy smart contract
> caver.transaction.legacyTransaction.create({
input: '0x60806...',
gas: 200000,
// Create a legacyTransaction to execute smart contract
> caver.transaction.legacyTransaction.create({
to: '0xfe6c9118e56a42cbc77aa3b7ee586455e3dc5b6d', // Smart contact address
input: '0xa9059...',
gas: 200000,
// Create a legacyTransaction from RLP-encoded string
> caver.transaction.legacyTransaction.create('0xf8668204d219830f4240947b65b75d204abed71587c9e519a89277766ee1d00a843132333425a0b2a5a15550ec298dc7dddde3774429ed75f864c82caeb5ee24399649ad731be9a029da1014d16f2011b3307f7bbe1035b6e699a4204fc416c763def6cefd976567')
LegacyTransaction {
_type: 'TxTypeLegacyTransaction',
_from: '0x',
_gas: '0xf4240',
_nonce: '0x4d2',
_gasPrice: '0x19',
_signatures: SignatureData { _v: '0x25', _r: '0xb2a5a...', _s: '0x29da1...' },
_to: '0x7b65b75d204abed71587c9e519a89277766ee1d0',
_input: '0x31323334',
_value: '0xa'



ValueTransfer represents a value transfer transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a ValueTransfer transaction.

ValueTransfer has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally given in transactionObject when the user creates ValueTransfer transaction.

ghi chú

NOTE: You can create an instance of ValueTransfer from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.valueTransfer.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.

NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.valueTransfer({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.valueTransfer.create({...}).


valuestringThe amount of KAIA in peb to be transferred. You can use caver.utils.toPeb.
fromstringThe address of the sender.
tostringThe account address that will receive the transferred value.
gasstringThe maximum amount of transaction fee the transaction is allowed to use.
signaturesArray(optional) An array of signatures.
noncestring(optional) A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getTransactionCount(address, 'pending') will be used to set nonce.
gasPricestring(optional) A multiplier to get how much the sender will pay in tokens. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice will be used to set gasPrice.
chainIdstring(optional) The chain id of the kaia network. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getChainId will be used to set chainId.


// Create a valueTransfer
> caver.transaction.valueTransfer.create({
from: '0x{address in hex}',
to: '0x9957dfd92e4b70f91131c573293343bc5f21f215',
value: caver.utils.toPeb(1, 'KLAY'),
gas: 25000,
// Create a valueTransfer from RLP-encoded string
> caver.transaction.valueTransfer.create('0x08f87f3a8505d21dba0083015f90948723590d5d60e35f7ce0db5c09d3938b26ff80ae01947d0104ac150f749d36bb34999bcade9f2c0bd2e6f847f845820feaa03d820b27d0997baf16f98df01c7b2b2e9734ad05b2228c4d403c2facff8397f3a01f4a44eeb8b7f0b0019162d1d6b90c401078e56fcd7495e74f7cfcd37e25f017')
ValueTransfer {
_type: 'TxTypeValueTransfer',
_from: '0x7d0104ac150f749d36bb34999bcade9f2c0bd2e6',
_gas: '0x15f90',
_nonce: '0x3a',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_signatures: [ SignatureData { _v: '0x0fea', _r: '0x3d820...', _s: '0x1f4a4...' } ],
_to: '0x8723590d5d60e35f7ce0db5c09d3938b26ff80ae',
_value: '0x1'



ValueTransferMemo represents a value transfer memo transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a ValueTransferMemo transaction.

ValueTransferMemo has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally given in transactionObject when the user creates ValueTransferMemo transaction.

ghi chú

NOTE: You can create an instance of ValueTransferMemo from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.valueTransferMemo.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.

NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.valueTransferMemo({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.valueTransferMemo.create({...}).


valuestringThe amount of KAIA in peb to be transferred. You can use caver.utils.toPeb.
fromstringThe address of the sender.
tostringThe account address that will receive the transferred value.
inputstringData attached to the transaction. The message should be passed to this property.
gasstringThe maximum amount of transaction fee the transaction is allowed to use.
signaturesArray(optional) An array of signatures.
noncestring(optional) A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getTransactionCount(address, 'pending') will be used to set nonce.
gasPricestring(optional) A multiplier to get how much the sender will pay in tokens. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice will be used to set gasPrice.
chainIdstring(optional) The chain id of the kaia network. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getChainId will be used to set chainId.


// Create a valueTransferMemo
> caver.transaction.valueTransferMemo.create({
from: '0x{address in hex}',
to: '0x9957dfd92e4b70f91131c573293343bc5f21f215',
value: caver.utils.toPeb(1, 'KLAY'),
gas: 25000,
input: '0x68656c6c6f',
// Create a valueTransferMemo from RLP-encoded string
> caver.transaction.valueTransferMemo.create('0x10f8808204d219830f4240947b65b75d204abed71587c9e519a89277766ee1d00a94a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b8568656c6c6ff845f84325a07d2b0c89ee8afa502b3186413983bfe9a31c5776f4f820210cffe44a7d568d1ca02b1cbd587c73b0f54969f6b76ef2fd95cea0c1bb79256a75df9da696278509f3')
ValueTransferMemo {
_type: 'TxTypeValueTransferMemo',
_from: '0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b',
_gas: '0xf4240',
_nonce: '0x4d2',
_gasPrice: '0x19',
_signatures: [ SignatureData { _v: '0x25', _r: '0x7d2b0...', _s: '0x2b1cb...' } ],
_to: '0x7b65b75d204abed71587c9e519a89277766ee1d0',
_value: '0xa',
_input: '0x68656c6c6f'



AccountUpdate represents a account update transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create an AccountUpdate transaction.

AccountUpdate has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally given in transactionObject when the user creates AccountUpdate transaction.

ghi chú

NOTE: You can create an instance of AccountUpdate from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.accountUpdate.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.

NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.accountUpdate({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.accountUpdate.create({...}).


fromstringThe address of the sender.
accountAccountAn Account instance that contains the information needed to update your account.
gasstringThe maximum amount of transaction fee the transaction is allowed to use.
signaturesArray(optional) An array of signatures.
noncestring(optional) A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getTransactionCount(address, 'pending') will be used to set nonce.
gasPricestring(optional) A multiplier to get how much the sender will pay in tokens. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice will be used to set gasPrice.
chainIdstring(optional) The chain id of the kaia network. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getChainId will be used to set chainId.

For how to create an Account instance for each AccountKey, refer to Getting Started - Account Update or caver.account.create.


// Create a accountUpdate
> caver.transaction.accountUpdate.create({
from: '0x{address in hex}',
gas: 50000,
account: caver.account.createWithAccountKeyLegacy('0x{address in hex}'),
// Create a accountUpdate from RLP-encoded string
> caver.transaction.accountUpdate.create('0x20f88d808505d21dba0083030d4094ffb52bc54635f840013e142ebe7c06c9c91c1625a302a102c93fcbdb2b9dbef8ee5c4748ffdce11f1f5b06d7ba71cc2b7699e38be7698d1ef847f845820fe9a09c2ca281e94567846acbeef724b1a7a5f882d581aff9984755abd92272592b8ea0344fd23d7774ae9c227809bb579387dfcd69e74ae2fe3a788617f54a4001e5ab')
AccountUpdate {
_type: 'TxTypeAccountUpdate',
_from: '0xffb52bc54635f840013e142ebe7c06c9c91c1625',
_gas: '0x30d40',
_nonce: '0x0',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_signatures: [ SignatureData { _v: '0x0fe9', _r: '0x9c2ca...', _s: '0x344fd...' } ],
_account: Account {
_address: '0xffb52bc54635f840013e142ebe7c06c9c91c1625',
_accountKey: AccountKeyPublic { _publicKey: '0x02c93...' }



SmartContractDeploy represents a smart contract deploy transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a SmartContractDeploy transaction.

SmartContractDeploy has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally given in transactionObject when the user creates SmartContractDeploy transaction.

ghi chú

NOTE: You can create an instance of SmartContractDeploy from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.smartContractDeploy.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.

NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.smartContractDeploy({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.smartContractDeploy.create({...}).


fromstringThe address of the sender.
inputstringData attached to the transaction. The byte code of the smart contract to be deployed and its arguments. You can get this through caver.abi.encodeContractDeploy.
gasstringThe maximum amount of transaction fee the transaction is allowed to use.
valuestring(optional, default: '0x0') The amount of KAIA in peb to be transferred to and stored in the balance of the smart contract address when the contract is initialized. You can use caver.utils.toPeb.
tostring(optional, default: '0x') Address to which the smart contract is deployed. Currently, this value cannot be defined. Specifying the address will be supported in the future.
humanReadableboolean(optional, default: false) This must be false since human-readable address is not supported yet.
codeFormatstring(optional, default: 'EVM') The code format of smart contract code. The supported value, for now, is EVM only. This value is converted to hex string after the assignment(e.g> EVM is converted to 0x0) internally.
signaturesArray(optional) An array of signatures.
noncestring(optional) A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getTransactionCount(address, 'pending') will be used to set nonce.
gasPricestring(optional) A multiplier to get how much the sender will pay in tokens. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice will be used to set gasPrice.
chainIdstring(optional) The chain id of the kaia network. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getChainId will be used to set chainId.


// Create a smartContractDeploy
> caver.transaction.smartContractDeploy.create({
from: '0x{address in hex}',
input: '0x60806...',
gas: 100000,
// Create a smartContractDeploy from RLP-encoded string
> caver.transaction.smartContractDeploy.create('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')
SmartContractDeploy {
_type: 'TxTypeSmartContractDeploy',
_from: '0xd91aec35bea25d379e49cfe2dff5f5775cdac1a3',
_gas: '0xdbba0',
_nonce: '0x1f',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_signatures: [ SignatureData { _v: '0x0fe9', _r: '0x018a9...', _s: '0x2d762...' } ],
_to: '0x',
_value: '0x0',
_input: '0x60806...',
_humanReadable: false,
_codeFormat: '0x0'



SmartContractExecution represents a smart contract execution transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a SmartContractExecution transaction.

SmartContractExecution has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally given in transactionObject when the user creates SmartContractExecution transaction.

ghi chú

NOTE: You can create an instance of SmartContractExecution from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.smartContractExecution.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.

NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.smartContractExecution({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.smartContractExecution.create({...}).


fromstringThe address of the sender.
tostringThe address of the smart contract account to be executed.
inputstringData attached to the transaction, used for transaction execution. The input is an encoded string that indicates a function to call and parameters to be passed to this function. You can get this through caver.abi.encodeFunctionCall.
gasstringThe maximum amount of transaction fee the transaction is allowed to use.
valuestring(optional, default: '0x0') The amount of KAIA in peb to be transferred. You can use caver.utils.toPeb.
signaturesArray(optional) An array of signatures.
noncestring(optional) A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getTransactionCount(address, 'pending') will be used to set nonce.
gasPricestring(optional) A multiplier to get how much the sender will pay in tokens. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice will be used to set gasPrice.
chainIdstring(optional) The chain id of the kaia network. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getChainId will be used to set chainId.


// Create a smartContractExecution
> caver.transaction.smartContractExecution.create({
from: '0x{address in hex}',
to: '0x{address in hex}',
input: '0xa9059...',
gas: 90000,
// Create a smartContractExecution from RLP-encoded string
> caver.transaction.smartContractExecution.create('0x30f8c5038505d21dba00830dbba094e3cd4e1cd287235cc0ea48c9fd02978533f5ec2b80946b604e77c0fbebb5b2941bcde3ab5eb09d99ad24b844a9059cbb0000000000000000000000008a4c9c443bb0645df646a2d5bb55def0ed1e885a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003039f847f845820feaa066e1650b5779f152489633f343581c07938f8b2fc92c919d4dd7c7295d0beacea067b0b79383dbcd42a3aa8ebb1aa4bcb1fc0623ef9e97bc1e9b82d96fe37b5881')
SmartContractExecution {
_type: 'TxTypeSmartContractExecution',
_from: '0x6b604e77c0fbebb5b2941bcde3ab5eb09d99ad24',
_gas: '0xdbba0',
_nonce: '0x3',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_signatures: [ SignatureData { _v: '0x0fea', _r: '0x66e16...', _s: '0x67b0b...' } ],
_to: '0xe3cd4e1cd287235cc0ea48c9fd02978533f5ec2b',
_value: '0x0',
_input: '0xa9059...'



Cancel represents a cancel transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a Cancel transaction.

Cancel transaction cancels the execution of the transaction with the same nonce in the transaction pool.

Cancel has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally given in transactionObject when the user creates Cancel transaction.

ghi chú

NOTE: You can create an instance of Cancel from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.cancel.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.

NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.xcancelxx({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.cancel.create({...}).


fromstringThe address of the sender.
gasstringThe maximum amount of transaction fee the transaction is allowed to use.
noncestring(optional) A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getTransactionCount(address, 'pending') will be used to set nonce.
signaturesArray(optional) An array of signatures.
gasPricestring(optional) A multiplier to get how much the sender will pay in tokens. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice will be used to set gasPrice.
chainIdstring(optional) The chain id of the kaia network. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getChainId will be used to set chainId.


// Create a cancel
> caver.transaction.cancel.create({
from: '0x{address in hex}',
nonce: 1,
gas: 25000,
// Create a cancel from RLP-encoded string
> caver.transaction.cancel.create('0x38f869068505d21dba00830dbba0946b604e77c0fbebb5b2941bcde3ab5eb09d99ad24f847f845820feaa0d9994ef507951a59380309f656ee8ed685becdc89b1d1a0eb1d2f72683ae14d3a07ad5d37a89781f294fab72b254ea9266e4d039ae163db4a4c4752f1fabff023b')
Cancel {
_type: 'TxTypeCancel',
_from: '0x6b604e77c0fbebb5b2941bcde3ab5eb09d99ad24',
_gas: '0xdbba0',
_nonce: '0x6',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_signatures: [ SignatureData { _v: '0x0fea', _r: '0xd9994...', _s: '0x7ad5d...' } ]



ChainDataAnchoring represents a chain data anchoring transaction. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a ChainDataAnchoring transaction.

ChainDataAnchoring has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally given in transactionObject when the user creates ChainDataAnchoring transaction.

ghi chú

NOTE: You can create an instance of ChainDataAnchoring from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.chainDataAnchoring.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.

NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.chainDataAnchoring({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.chainDataAnchoring.create({...}).


fromstringThe address of the sender.
inputstringData of the service chain.
gasstringThe maximum amount of transaction fee the transaction is allowed to use.
noncestring(optional) A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getTransactionCount(address, 'pending') will be used to set nonce.
signaturesArray(optional) An array of signatures.
gasPricestring(optional) A multiplier to get how much the sender will pay in tokens. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice will be used to set gasPrice.
chainIdstring(optional) The chain id of the kaia network. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getChainId will be used to set chainId.


// Create a chainDataAnchoring
> caver.transaction.chainDataAnchoring.create({
from: '0x{address in hex}',
gas: 50000,
input: '0xf8a6a...',
// Create a chainDataAnchoring from RLP-encoded string
> caver.transaction.chainDataAnchoring.create('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')
ChainDataAnchoring {
_type: 'TxTypeChainDataAnchoring',
_from: '0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b',
_gas: '0xf4240',
_nonce: '0x4d2',
_gasPrice: '0x19',
_signatures: [ SignatureData { _v: '0x25', _r: '0xe58b9...', _s: '0x2c409...' } ],
_input: '0xf8a6a...'



EthereumAccessList represents an Ethereum access list transaction. A kaiaaccount can execute a EthereumAccessList only with AccountKeyLegacy. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a EthereumAccessList.

EthereumAccessList has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally given in transactionObject when the user creates EthereumAccessList.

ghi chú

NOTE: You can create an instance of EthereumAccessList from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.ethereumAccessList is supported since caver-js v1.8.0.

NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.ethereumAccessList({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.ethereumAccessList.create({...}).


gasstringThe maximum amount of transaction fee the transaction is allowed to use.
valuestring(optional, default: '0x0') The amount of KAIA in peb to be transferred. You can use caver.utils.toPeb.
fromstring(optional) The address of the sender. If omitted, the keyring address used for signing will be set.
tostring(optional, default: '0x') The account address that will receive the transferred value or smart contact address if an ethereum access list transaction execute smart contract. If an ethereum access list transaction deploys a smart contract, to does not need to be defined.
inputstring(optional) Data attached to the transaction, used for smart contract deployment/execution.
signaturesArray(optional) An array of signatures. An ethereum access list transaction can have only one signature.
noncestring(optional) A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getTransactionCount(address, 'pending') will be used to set nonce.
gasPricestring(optional) A multiplier to get how much the sender will pay in tokens. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice will be used to set gasPrice.
chainIdstring(optional) The chain id of the kaia network. If omitted, caver.rpc.klay.getChainId will be used to set chainId.
accessListArray(optional) As an EIP-2930 access list that contains all storage slots and addresses read and written by the transaction.


> caver.transaction.ethereumAccessList.create({
to: '0x9957dfd92e4b70f91131c573293343bc5f21f215',
value: caver.utils.toPeb(1, 'KLAY'),
gas: 40000,
accessList: [
address: '0x5430192ae264b3feff967fc08982b9c6f5694023',
storageKeys: [
> caver.transaction.ethereumAccessList.create('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')
EthereumAccessList {
_type: 'TxTypeEthereumAccessList',
_from: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
_gas: '0x9c40',
_nonce: '0x23',
_chainId: '0x2710',
_signatures: SignatureData {
_v: '0x01',
_r: '0x5ac25e47591243af2d6b8e7f54d608e9e0e0aeb5194d34c17852bd7e376f4857',
_s: '0x095a40394f33e95cce9695d5badf4270f4cc8aff0b5395cefc3a0fe213be1f30'
_to: '0xc5fb1386b60160614a8151dcd4b0ae41325d1cb8',
_input: '0xa9059cbb0000000000000000000000008a4c9c443bb0645df646a2d5bb55def0ed1e885a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003039',
_value: '0x1',
_accessList: AccessList(0) [],
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00'



EthereumDynamicFee represents an Ethereum dynamic fee transaction. A kaiaaccount can execute a EthereumDynamicFee only with AccountKeyLegacy. The transactionObject can have properties below to create a EthereumDynamicFee.

EthereumDynamicFee has the properties below as its member variables. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally given in transactionObject when the user creates EthereumDynamicFee. And note that EthereumDynamicFee does not use gasPrice, it uses maxPriorityFeePerGas and maxFeePerGas.

ghi chú

NOTE: You can create an instance of EthereumDynamicFee from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.ethereumDynamicFee is supported since caver-js v1.8.0.

NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.ethereumDynamicFee({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.ethereumDynamicFee.create({...}).


gasstringThe maximum amount of transaction fee the transaction is allowed to use.
valuestring(optional, default: '0x0') The amount of KAIA in peb to be transferred. You can use caver.utils.toPeb.
fromstring(optional) The address of the sender. If omitted, it will be set to the keyring address used for signing.
tostring(optional, default: '0x') The account address that will receive the transferred value or smart contact address when an ethereum dynamic fee transaction executes a smart contract. When an ethereum dynamic fee transaction deploys a smart contract, to does not need to be defined.
inputstring(optional) Data attached to the transaction, used for smart contract deployment/execution.
signaturesArray(optional) An array of signatures. An ethereum dynamic fee transaction can have only one signature.
noncestring(optional) A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction. If omitted, it will be set to caver.rpc.klay.getTransactionCount(address, 'pending').
maxPriorityFeePerGasstring(optional) Gas tip cap for the transaction in peb. Since kaia has a fixed gas price, it should be set to the same value as caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice. If omitted, it will be set to caver.rpc.klay.getMaxPriorityFeePerGas().
maxFeePerGasstring(optional) A maximum amount to pay for the transaction to execute. Since kaia has a fixed gas price, it should be set to the same value as caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice. If omitted, the value of baseFeePerGas * 2 + maxPriorityFeePerGas is set to maxFeePerGas.
chainIdstring(optional) The chain id of the kaia network. If omitted, it will be set to caver.rpc.klay.getChainId.
accessListArray(optional) As an EIP-2930 access list that contains all storage slots and addresses read and written by the transaction.


> caver.transaction.ethereumDynamicFee.create({
to: '0x9957dfd92e4b70f91131c573293343bc5f21f215',
value: caver.utils.toPeb(1, 'KLAY'),
gas: 50000,
accessList: [
address: '0x5430192ae264b3feff967fc08982b9c6f5694023',
storageKeys: [
> caver.transaction.ethereumDynamicFee.create('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')
EthereumDynamicFee {
_type: 'TxTypeEthereumDynamicFee',
_from: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
_gas: '0x9c40',
_nonce: '0x25',
_chainId: '0x2710',
_signatures: SignatureData {
_v: '0x',
_r: '0x4fc52da183020a27dc4b684a45404445630e946b0c1a37edeb538d4bdae63040',
_s: '0x7d56dbcc61f42ffcbced105f838d20b8fe71e85a4d0344c7f60815fddfeae4cc'
_to: '0x1fc92c23f71a7de4cdb4394a37fc636986a0f484',
_input: '0xa9059cbb0000000000000000000000008a4c9c443bb0645df646a2d5bb55def0ed1e885a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003039',
_value: '0x1',
_accessList: AccessList(0) [],
_maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x5d21dba00',
_maxFeePerGas: '0x5d21dba00'

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