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caver.transaction is a package that provides functionality related to Transaction.

Class ​

Each transaction class is described in detail with the table below:

BasicFee DelegationPartial Fee Delegation

caver.transaction.decode ​


Decodes RLP-encoded transaction string, a raw transaction, and returns a Transaction instance.


rlpEncodedstringA RLP-encoded transaction string to decode.

Return Value

objectAn instance of Transaction. For details of each transaction, refer to Transaction.


> caver.transaction.decode('0x08f87...')
ValueTransfer {
_type: 'TxTypeValueTransfer',
_from: '0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b',
_gas: '0xf4240',
_nonce: '0x4d2',
_gasPrice: '0x19',
_signatures: [
SignatureData { _v: '0x25', _r: '0xf3d0c...', _s: '0x6748a...' }
_to: '0x7b65b75d204abed71587c9e519a89277766ee1d0',
_value: '0xa'

caver.transaction.getTransactionByHash ​

caver.transaction.getTransactionByHash('0x{transaction hash}')

Queries a transaction from kaia and converts to a caver transaction instance.

NOTE caver.transaction.getTransactionByHash is supported since caver-js v1.6.3.


transactionHashstringThe transaction hash string to query from kaia.

Return Value

Promise returning object: An instance of Transaction. If it fails to receive a transaction object from kaia, an error occurs.

objectAn instance of Transaction. For details of each transaction, refer to Transaction.


> caver.transaction.getTransactionByHash('0x30575f5a76a4477502aa1e5e707e47f05b92c3450132529cf55764cc94f780b0').then(console.log)
LegacyTransaction {
_type: 'TxTypeLegacyTransaction',
_from: '0x9ce618d097ea54c00d1562cb060576ff64139f10',
_gas: '0x81b320',
_nonce: '0x1de',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_signatures: SignatureData {
_v: '0x07f5',
_r: '0x359a09ebd2842cfc9cad6fd93c299da8629292bb3a69410c73837f7ca15cfd51',
_s: '0x6f348cc656b90e79cfc1e748c3371fbd0128b83b787a110622f3aa5143a017f8'
_to: '0x',
_input: '0x60806...',
_value: '0x0'

caver.transaction.recoverPublicKeys ​

caver.transaction.recoverPublicKeys('0x{RLP-encoded transaction}')

Recovers the public key strings from signatures field of the given transaction.

NOTE caver.transaction.recoverPublicKeys is supported since caver-js v1.6.3.


rawTxstringThe RLP-encoded transaction string to recover public keys from signatures.

Return Value

ArrayAn array containing public keys recovered from signatures.


> caver.transaction.recoverPublicKeys('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')

caver.transaction.recoverFeePayerPublicKeys ​

caver.transaction.recoverFeePayerPublicKeys('0x{RLP-encoded transaction}')

Recovers the public key strings from feePayerSignatures field of the given transaction.

NOTE caver.transaction.recoverFeePayerPublicKeys is supported since caver-js v1.6.3.


rawTxstringThe RLP-encoded transaction string to recover public keys from feePayerSignatures. To recover fee payer's public keys, the transaction should be a fee-delegated transaction with the feePayerSignatures field inside.

Return Value

ArrayAn array containing public keys recovered from feePayerSignatures.


> caver.transaction.recoverFeePayerPublicKeys('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')

transaction.sign ​

transaction.sign(keyring [, index] [, hasher])

Signs the transaction as a transaction sender with the private key(s) in the keyring and appends signatures in the transaction object.

For Account Update transaction, use roleAccountUpdateKey, or otherwise, use roleTransactionKey in RoleBasedKeyring. If the user has not defined an index, transaction.sign signs the transaction using all the private keys used by the role. If index is defined, the transaction.sign signs the transaction using only one private key at the given index.


keyringobject | stringA private key string (KlaytnWalletKey format is also allowed) or an instance of Keyring (SingleKeyring, MultipleKeyring or RoleBasedKeyring). If a private key string or a KlaytnWalletKey is passed as a parameter, the keyring instance is created internally.
indexnumber(optional) The index of the private key you want to use. The index must be less than the length of the array of the private keys defined for each role. If an index is not defined, this method will use all the private keys.
hasherFunction(optional) The hash function to get the hash of the transaction.

Return Value

Promise returning object: The signed transaction.

objectAn instance of signed Transaction. The signature is appended to the transaction.signatures.


// This example uses the ValueTransfer transaction.
> const transaction = caver.transaction.valueTransfer.create({
from: '0xe7e9184c125020af5d34eab7848bab799a1dcba9',
to: '0x3424b91026bdc5ec55df4548e6ebf0f28b60abd7',
value: 1,
gas: 30000,
> const customHasher = () => { ... }
// Sign a transaction with the roleBasedKeyring which use two private keys for roleTransactionKey
> transaction.sign(roleBasedKeyring).then(console.log)
ValueTransfer {
_type: 'TxTypeValueTransfer',
_from: '0xe7e9184c125020af5d34eab7848bab799a1dcba9',
_gas: '0x7530',
_signatures: [
SignatureData { _v: '0x4e43', _r: '0xd78a2...', _s: '0x379e9...' },
SignatureData { _v: '0x4e43', _r: '0x70a58...', _s: '0x2ab28...' }
_to: '0x3424b91026bdc5ec55df4548e6ebf0f28b60abd7',
_value: '0x1',
_chainId: '0x2710',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_nonce: '0x0'
// Sign a transaction with the roleBasedKeyring which use two private keys for roleTransactionKey and index
> transaction.sign(roleBasedKeyring, 1).then(console.log)
ValueTransfer {
_type: 'TxTypeValueTransfer',
_from: '0xe7e9184c125020af5d34eab7848bab799a1dcba9',
_gas: '0x7530',
_signatures: [
SignatureData { _v: '0x4e43', _r: '0x70a58...', _s: '0x2ab28...' }
_to: '0x3424b91026bdc5ec55df4548e6ebf0f28b60abd7',
_value: '0x1',
_chainId: '0x2710',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_nonce: '0x0'
// Sign a transaction with the roleBasedKeyring which use two private keys for roleTransactionKey and hasher
> transaction.sign(roleBasedKeyring, customHasher).then(console.log)
ValueTransfer {
_type: 'TxTypeValueTransfer',
_from: '0xe7e9184c125020af5d34eab7848bab799a1dcba9',
_gas: '0x7530',
_signatures: [
SignatureData { _v: '0x4e44', _r: '0x7a8b6...', _s: '0x17139...' },
SignatureData { _v: '0x4e43', _r: '0x7f978...', _s: '0x1a532...' }
_to: '0x3424b91026bdc5ec55df4548e6ebf0f28b60abd7',
_value: '0x1',
_chainId: '0x2710',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_nonce: '0x0'
// Sign a transaction with the roleBasedKeyring which use two private keys for roleTransactionKey, index and hasher
> transaction.sign(roleBasedKeyring, 1, customHasher).then(console.log)
ValueTransfer {
_type: 'TxTypeValueTransfer',
_from: '0xe7e9184c125020af5d34eab7848bab799a1dcba9',
_gas: '0x7530',
_signatures: [
SignatureData { _v: '0x4e43', _r: '0x7f978...', _s: '0x1a532...' }
_to: '0x3424b91026bdc5ec55df4548e6ebf0f28b60abd7',
_value: '0x1',
_chainId: '0x2710',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_nonce: '0x0'

transaction.signAsFeePayer ​

transaction.signAsFeePayer(keyring [, index] [, hasher])

Signs the transaction as a transaction fee payer and appends feePayerSignatures in the transaction object with the private key(s) in the keyring.

For signing a transaction as a fee payer, use roleFeePayerKey in keyring. If the user has not defined an index, transaction.signAsFeePayer signs the transaction using all the private keys used by the role. If index is defined, the transaction.signAsFeePayer signs the transaction using only one private key at the given index.

If the transaction.feePayer is not defined, the address of the given keyring is set to transaction.feePayer.

If the keyring to be used for signing the transaction was added to caver.wallet, you can use caver.wallet.signAsFeePayer.

NOTE This function works only for "fee-delegated" transactions or "fee-delegated with ratio" transactions.


keyringobject | stringA private key string (KlaytnWalletKey format is also allowed) or an instance of Keyring (SingleKeyring, MultipleKeyring or RoleBasedKeyring). If the private key string or KlaytnWalletKey is passed as a parameter, the keyring instance is created internally.
indexnumber(optional) The index of the private key you want to use. The index must be less than the length of the array of the private keys defined for each role. If an index is not defined, this method will use all the private keys.
hasherFunction(optional) The hash function to get the hash of the transaction.

Return Value

Promise returning object: The signed transaction.

objectAn instance of signed Transaction. The signature is appended to the transaction.feePayerSignatures.


// This example uses the FeeDelegatedValueTransfer transaction.
> const transaction = caver.transaction.feeDelegatedValueTransfer.create({
from: '0x6fddbcb99d31b8755c2b840a367f53eea4b4f45c',
to: '0x3424b91026bdc5ec55df4548e6ebf0f28b60abd7',
value: 1,
gas: 30000,
> const customHasher = () => { ... }
// Sign a transaction with the address of RoleBasedKeyring which use two private keys for roleFeePayerKey
> transaction.signAsFeePayer(roleBasedKeyring).then(console.log)
FeeDelegatedValueTransfer {
_type: 'TxTypeFeeDelegatedValueTransfer',
_from: '0x6fddbcb99d31b8755c2b840a367f53eea4b4f45c',
_gas: '0x7530',
_signatures: [ SignatureData { _v: '0x01', _r: '0x', _s: '0x' } ],
_feePayer: '0xe7e9184c125020af5d34eab7848bab799a1dcba9',
_feePayerSignatures: [
SignatureData { _v: '0x4e44', _r: '0x7010e...', _s: '0x65d6b...' },
SignatureData { _v: '0x4e43', _r: '0x96ef2...', _s: '0x77f34...' }
_to: '0x3424b91026bdc5ec55df4548e6ebf0f28b60abd7',
_value: '0x1',
_chainId: '0x2710',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_nonce: '0x0'
// Sign a transaction with the address of RoleBasedKeyring which use two private keys for roleFeePayerKey and index
> transaction.signAsFeePayer(roleBasedKeyring, 1).then(console.log)
FeeDelegatedValueTransfer {
_type: 'TxTypeFeeDelegatedValueTransfer',
_from: '0x6fddbcb99d31b8755c2b840a367f53eea4b4f45c',
_gas: '0x7530',
_signatures: [ SignatureData { _v: '0x01', _r: '0x', _s: '0x' } ],
_feePayer: '0xe7e9184c125020af5d34eab7848bab799a1dcba9',
_feePayerSignatures: [
SignatureData { _v: '0x4e43', _r: '0x96ef2...', _s: '0x77f34...' }
_to: '0x3424b91026bdc5ec55df4548e6ebf0f28b60abd7',
_value: '0x1',
_chainId: '0x2710',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_nonce: '0x0'
// Sign a transaction with the address of RoleBasedKeyring which use two private keys for roleFeePayerKey and hasher
> transaction.signAsFeePayer(roleBasedKeyring, customHasher).then(console.log)
FeeDelegatedValueTransfer {
_type: 'TxTypeFeeDelegatedValueTransfer',
_from: '0x6fddbcb99d31b8755c2b840a367f53eea4b4f45c',
_gas: '0x7530',
_signatures: [ SignatureData { _v: '0x01', _r: '0x', _s: '0x' } ],
_feePayer: '0xe7e9184c125020af5d34eab7848bab799a1dcba9',
_feePayerSignatures: [
SignatureData { _v: '0x4e43', _r: '0xe48bf...', _s: '0x1cf36...' },
SignatureData { _v: '0x4e43', _r: '0x82976...', _s: '0x3c5e0...' }
_to: '0x3424b91026bdc5ec55df4548e6ebf0f28b60abd7',
_value: '0x1',
_chainId: '0x2710',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_nonce: '0x0'
// Sign a transaction with the address of RoleBasedKeyring which use two private keys for roleFeePayerKey, index and hasher
> transaction.signAsFeePayer(roleBasedKeyring, 1, customHasher).then(console.log)
FeeDelegatedValueTransfer {
_type: 'TxTypeFeeDelegatedValueTransfer',
_from: '0x6fddbcb99d31b8755c2b840a367f53eea4b4f45c',
_gas: '0x7530',
_signatures: [ SignatureData { _v: '0x01', _r: '0x', _s: '0x' } ],
_feePayer: '0xe7e9184c125020af5d34eab7848bab799a1dcba9',
_feePayerSignatures: [
SignatureData { _v: '0x4e43', _r: '0x82976...', _s: '0x3c5e0...' }
_to: '0x3424b91026bdc5ec55df4548e6ebf0f28b60abd7',
_value: '0x1',
_chainId: '0x2710',
_gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00',
_nonce: '0x0'

transaction.appendSignatures ​


Appends signatures to the transaction.


signaturesobject | ArrayThe signatures to be appended to the transaction. SignatureData instance or an array containing SignatureData instances. An array in which each 'v', 'r', and 's' are sequentially defined as string formats or a 2D array containing those arrays can also be taken as parameters.


> transaction.appendSignatures([ '0x4e44', '0x7010e...', '0x65d6b...' ])

transaction.appendFeePayerSignatures ​


Appends feePayerSignatures to the transaction.

NOTE This function works only for "fee-delegated" transactions or "fee-delegated with ratio" transactions.


feePayerSignaturesobject | ArrayThe feePayerSignatures to be appended to the transaction. SignatureData instance or an array containing SignatureData instances. An array in which each 'v', 'r', and 's' are sequentially defined as string formats or a 2D array containing those arrays can also be taken as parameters.


> transaction.appendFeePayerSignatures([ '0x4e44', '0x7010e...', '0x65d6b...' ])

transaction.combineSignedRawTransactions ​


Collects signs in each RLP-encoded transaction string in the given array, combines them with the transaction instance, and returns a RLP-encoded transaction string which includes all signs. Note that the transaction instance doesn't necessarily be signed in advance. If the transaction is either a type of "fee-delegated" or "fee-delegated with ratio", feePayerSignatures is also merged and included in the output RLP-encoded transaction string.


rlpEncodedTxsArrayAn array of signed RLP-encoded transaction strings.

Return Value

stringA RLP-encoded transaction string which includes all signatures (and feePayerSignatures if transaction is a type of either "fee-delgated" or "fee-delegated with ratio").


> transaction.combineSignedRawTransactions(['0x09f88...'])

transaction.getRLPEncoding ​


Returns a RLP-encoded transaction string.

For information on how to make the RLP-encoded string for each transaction type, see Kaia Design - Transactions.

Return Value

stringA RLP-encoded transaction string.


> transaction.getRLPEncoding()

transaction.getRawTransaction ​


Returns a rawTransaction string (a RLP-encoded transaction string). This function is same with transaction.getRLPEncoding.

Return Value

stringA RLP-encoded transaction string.


> transaction.getRawTransaction()

transaction.getTransactionHash ​


Returns a transactionHash.

For information on how to make the transaction hash for each transaction type, see Kaia Design - Transactions.

Return Value

stringA transactionHash.


> transaction.getTransactionHash()

transaction.getSenderTxHash ​


Returns a senderTxHash of transaction.

The senderTxHash is a hash of the transaction except for the fee payer's address and signature, so transactionHash and senderTxHash are the same for basic transactions.

For information on how to make the senderTxHash for each transaction type, see Kaia Design - Transactions.

Return Value

stringA senderTxHash.


> transaction.getSenderTxHash()

transaction.getRLPEncodingForSignature ​


Returns a RLP-encoded transaction string for making the signature of the transaction sender. Note that the returned RLP-encoded transaction string is not added with the signature and rather is used to generate this signature.

For information on how to make a RLP-encoded transaction string to generate the transaction sender's signature for each transaction type, see Kaia Design - Transactions.

Return Value

stringA RLP-encoded transaction string without any signature attached.


> transaction.getRLPEncodingForSignature()

transaction.getRLPEncodingForFeePayerSignature ​


Returns a RLP-encoded transaction string for making the signature of the fee payer. Note that the returned RLP-encoded transaction string is not added with the signature and rather is used to generate this signature.

For information on how to make a RLP-encoded transaction string to generate the fee payer's signature for each transaction type, see Kaia Design - Transactions.

NOTE This function works only for "fee-delegated" transactions or "fee-delegated with ratio" transactions.

Return Value

stringA RLP-encoded transaction string without any signature attached.


> transaction.getRLPEncodingForFeePayerSignature()

transaction.fillTransaction ​


Fills in the optional variables in transaction.

If the gasPrice, nonce, or chainId of the transaction are not defined, this method asks the default values for these optional variables and preset them by sending JSON RPC call to the connected kaia Node.

Use caver.rpc.klay.getGasPrice to get gasPrice, caver.rpc.klay.getTransactionCount to get nonce and caver.rpc.klay.getChainId call to get chainId.

Return Value

Promise returning void


> transaction.fillTransaction()

transaction.recoverPublicKeys ​


Recovers the public key strings from signatures field.

NOTE transaction.recoverPublicKeys is supported since caver-js v1.6.3.

Return Value

ArrayAn array containing public keys recovered from signatures.


> transaction.recoverPublicKeys()

transaction.recoverFeePayerPublicKeys ​


Recovers the public key strings from feePayerSignatures field.

NOTE transaction.recoverFeePayerPublicKeys is supported since caver-js v1.6.3.

Return Value

ArrayAn array containing public keys recovered from feePayerSignatures.


> transaction.recoverFeePayerPublicKeys()

transaction.suggestGasPrice ​


Returns suggested gas price. This function is used to set gasPrice field in the fillTransaction.

Before the Magma hard fork, suggestGasPrice returns the unit price of the network. After the Magma hard fork, suggestGasPrice returns baseFee * 2 which is recommended to use as gasPrice.

NOTE transaction.suggestGasPrice is supported since caver-js v1.9.0.

Return Value

Promise returning string: The suggested gas price in hexadecimal string.

stringThe suggested gas price.


> tx.suggestGasPrice().then(console.log)